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Snails normally sleep 12 hours a day. Sloths sleep around 18 hours a day. Sloths are nocturnal.

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Q: Do snails sleep longer than sloths?
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Can sloths sleep longer than 12 hours?

Pat is the biggest sloth ever. he hibernates every fall

Do sloths not sleep all day?

No. Contrary to popular belief, sloths sleep less than ten hours per day.

How long do penguins sleep?

Longer than me.

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Do hens sleep longer than roosters?

Well, the rooster may stay awake a little longer, and get up a tad earlier, but they mostly sleep the same hours.

Why are sloths lazy?

Sloths are not actually lazy; their slow metabolism and energy conservation strategies have evolved due to their low-nutrient diet. Moving slowly helps them conserve energy and avoid predators in their tree-dwelling habitats. They are adapted to their environment rather than being lazy.

When you sleep longer in the day does it make you day and life shorter than waking up early to have a longer day?

no it doesn't

Is a turtle slowest than a sloth?

Apparently Yes A Turtle Is Slower Than A Sloth Although Sloths Sleep All Day!! Turtle species vary on how fast they can move. Many can move much faster than a sloth can when excited or fearful.

Do boy cats sleep longer than girl cats?

I have had a male cat and a female cat and male cat slept significantly longer than the female. So,yes it does.

Can sloths run?

A cute animal that moves very slow! rsc ♥ slothsLOLSloths honestly don't do much they eat, sleep, walk (very slowly) and eventually find mates. They than reproduce and have babies. Than they have something to do; taking care of their babies!Sloths just hang upside down all their lives, they eat, sleep, mate, etc, upside down. They also only defecate when it rains so their predator the jaguar or other animals track them from their duty.

Are there more female apple snails than male apple snails?

Well, no. Because snails are both male and female.

When do sloth sleep?

Mostly during the night, high up in a tree. They take naps during the day as well. It used to be thought that they slept most of the time, but recent studies have shown that on average they sleep for no more than 10 hours a day.