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Yes they do.

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Q: Do snakes have the jacobson's organ?
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How do snakes sense?

With there tongue! They flick their tongue in and out of their mouth to sence the air when the tongue is out it picks up scents and when it is flicked back into the mouth it rubs against the jacobsons organ which converts the sences and allows the snake to understand its surroundings

What is the gland at the roof of a cats mouth that induces the lip curling flammense response when they smell things?

It's the Jacobsons Organ

Why do snakes have there tongues out when they are searching for pray?

They don't ! They flick their tongue - which catches scent particles floating in the air. the tongue is withdrawn into the mouth, and the tips inserted into 'Jacobsons organ' - a sensitive area on the roof of the mouth.

Which Organ do Snakes hear with?


What animals have the Jacobson's organ?

The Jacobson's organ, also known as the vomeronasal organ, is found in many animals, including snakes, lizards, some mammals (such as horses, cats, and dogs), and even some amphibians. It is used to detect pheromones, which are chemical signals important for communication between members of the same species.

What organ do snakes use to track down prey?

Their tongue and the Jacobson's organ.

What sensory organ do humans have that snakes do not?


What is the locomotory organ of snakes..?

scales or skin of it

What sense organ do humans have that snakes don't?

The Nose.

What organ in snake's mouth is used to track down prey in venomous snakes?

Jacobson's organ

What is the organ called that detects heat in snakes?

Heat pit

What is the organ called the detects heat from snakes?

There isn't a specific 'organ' - Snakes usually have a row of heat-sensitive 'pits' (or tiny holes) arranged around the top edge of their mouth.