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fangs; snakes don't have teeth or claws

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Q: Do snakes use teeath fangs claws or etc?
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Do snakes have sharp teeth?

No not all snakes have fangs. Only snakes with Venom have the fangs, they use these to inject the venom. Snakes which kill their prey by constriction (squeezing) do not have fangs, they have rows of tiny teeth to grip there food as they swallow there prey.

Which snake has poison fangs?

Snakes with poisonous fangs fit into the category of Vipers. Only Vipers are poisonous. My Uncle is one of the leading snake experts in Australia. He discovered the worlds most venomous snake, known as the Fierce Snake. It's only found in a very small geographical area in the Australian Outback. This snakes venom is 200% more potent than any other snake on the planet.

What type of claw does a peacock?

Peacocks have similar 'claws' to roosters. They have small talons, used for scratching at the ground.

What Body parts are used by animals to feed themselves?

use for clothing,shoes and bags

Does a cobra have teeth?

cobras do not have teeth they have fangs (sometimes they are poisonous) *facepalm* ALL snakes have teeth, some have teeth AND fangs. NO snake has just fangs. And ALL cobras are venomous (you do not mean poisonous)! They are all Elapids (i.e. they are proteroglyphous). There's also opisthoglyphous (rear-fanged). This fits many Colubrids, such as the Boomslang, the Parrot snake, the Lyre snake, and MANY more. And there's solenoglyphous (vipers' delivery system) as well as aglyphous-no fangs (pythons, most colubrids, boids, etc.).

Are claws removed from circus lions?

no it is not. Claws are what lions have. Tigers and bears etc.

How do African lions survive in the wilderness?

Lions have fangs, claws, fur and a lot of pointy teeth. They don't use tools the way we humans think of tools (i.e. hammers, screwdrivers, forks, knives, etc.)

Can poisonous snakes have their fangs removed or their poison sacks and or glands removed and render them Harmless?

No. If their glands were removed, the snakes would die, because they need their venom and saliva to digest prey. Yes they can be in countries like India, sri lanka etc the people out own snakes and use them as for their income they do that only they remove d poison sack so that it cant harm anyone

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Name something cats have people dont have?

Cats have fur, claws, thumbs on top of their wrist, fangs, a VERY flexible spine, a meow, different mating, tails, whiskers, they can see well in the dark, they can jump VERY high, they make no noise when they walk, etc.

What are the chelipedes?

Chelipeds are the main grasping claws of crustaceans. The two biggest claws on lobsters, crabs etc.

What things do snakes eat?

Somethings that snakes eat are small animal, birds other snakes, etc..