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Because they have similar electron configurations.

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Waldo Mayer

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Q: Do sodium and potassium have similar chemical properties?
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What has the chemical properties most similar to sodium?

Potassium - K

Which element has chemical properties that are most similar to the chemical properties of sodium?

Potassium. Sodium is in group1 (period2) the next heaviest element is potassium (period 3). Potassium forms salts with the K+ ion.

Do the elements potassium and sodium have similar chemical properties?

Yes, in general they do. Potassium is a bit more reactive than sodium, but qualitatively they're quite similar. This is because they both have one outer s electron.

Which metal is similar in properties to sodium on the periodic table?

potassium is very close in properties with sodium after it calcium is closer to sodium in properties.

What is the difference between sodium nitrate and sodium bicarbonate?

Sodium bicarbonate is NaHCO3, potassium carbonate is KHCO3. The difference is that sodium and potassium are two different elements, though they have very similar properties. Potassium bicarbonate is more soluble in water.

What are the chemical properties of solid?

1. Sodium, lithium, potassium

Why do th elements potassium and sodium have similar chemical and physical properties?

Because they are adjacent members of the same periodic table column.

What are to two element that have properties similar to those of the element sodium?

Lithium and potassium has same properties as sodium.They are alkali metals.They are placed in group-1.The elements of the same group have same chemical properties. Li and K are the elements above and below Na in the period. So they have same properties as sodium.

Why do elements potassium and sodium have similar chemical properties?

Because they're have the same Alkali Metals, and next to each other on the Periodic Table.

What period 6 element has chemical properties most like sodium?


Do elements in the same group all have similar physical and chemical properties?

Yes. Sodium is in the same group as Potassium and both are volatile when exposed to water. Please note that the Periodic Table will sometimes be deceiving in its organization and that the chemical properties will be similar, not identical.

Could sodium chromate be used instead of potassium chromate?

Yes, because chemical properties of sodium and potassium ions are nearly same.