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They don't need to, they will work flat too. But they will collect/deliver more energy if they are tilted, facing the sun.


(This answer refers to a house in the Southern Hemisphere. Solar panels are best tilted towards the equator!)

I think I know exactly what the questioner means and feels.

To give a personal example, we have a flat roof, and a few years ago had 8 panels installed tilted, and then a couple of months ago had 13 panels installed flat on the roof. (Because it's a flat roof I didn't know this at the time because I couldn't see them).

I questioned the installer and since he said it was " a moot point in the industry whether they produced the same or 8% less output" I looked into it to find out the answer. It was surprising.

Some basics:-

For grid-connect systems the optimum tilt angle is your latitude minus 10 degrees, so since we are 33 Degrees that means the Optimum here is 23 Degrees. [ live in the Southern Hemisphere in Australia in the state of Victoria, so make allowances accordingly.]

-Ideally tilted solar panels should be facing as close to true North as possible. But short of picking up the house and turning it around we can't do anything about that, and it's not going to affect the panels lying down flat anyway.

-Even North Easterly and North Westerly facing panels will be largely operating at around thme 90% of their rated outputs. So that means the tilted panels will be working at a maximum of 90%. butit's also not going to affect the ones lying down flat anyway.

Due North is the optimum orientation for panels. But not everyone has a perfectly oriented roof. When your two best options are East or West, which should you choose? Our tilted panels are pointing North-East, but we can't do anything about that either, and once again it's not going to affect the ones lying down flat. .

A directly East or West facing panel will never operate at better than 85% of its rated output. To put this in perspective, for example, a 3kW system would lose a full 2kWh a day if it were facing more East or West than North. This would equal $1.20 in surplus each day to Victorians, and as the installer said retrofitting tilt legs would cost "about 2 and a half thousand", this means it would take 2,000 days to make up the savings to $2,400, or about 5 or 6 years, so it wouldn't be worth it.

Panels laid down flat on a flat roof in Sydney lose 10-12% of their output , and their latitude is 34 Degrees, while mine is at 33 Degrees, so that 10-12% would be much the same here. However, our roof drops 4 inches in 100 inches, making it a drop of 1 in 25 or 4% slope. This means instead of being angled at our Optimum of 23 degrees, it will instead be at 19 degrees. Since a panel orientated North East instead of North is only 85% efficient, this means it loses 15% efficiency when it is angled 45 degrees away from optimum efficiency, which is to say for every 3 degrees of mis-orientation 1% less efficient. So, for 19 degrees [optimum of 33 - flat roof angle facing sun] off it is therefore 6.3 % less than ideal.

The Bottom Line

Cannot alter the Tilt Angle or the orientation of the Panels of the original panels, and that's not going to affect the ones lying down flat. They are about 6% less than ideal, but it's not worth putting them on legs to put them at the best angle because it would take 6 years just to recoup the extra cost.

I have been out taking power readings from the inverters, and found that the tilted panels produce most of their power only when the sun moves around to strike them directly face-on, but the flat panels produce power all day from 15 minutes after sunrise to 10 minutes before sunset. Also, the 13 flat panels produce 2.6 times the power generated by the 8 tilted panels (I was expecting only about 1.6 times).

The important thing is to keep the panels operating as efficiently as possible, and the biggest cause of this is dirt or bird droppings or leaves . Tilted panels at more than 10 degrees are ok because they will be washed clean by rain, but for anything less than you'll have to get on the roof and physically hose them down. Because mine are at 4% that will have to be my son-in-law's job!

So, to answer the Question, if you have a Flat Roof DO NOT put them on tilts.

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