

Do some people have blue skin?

Updated: 11/16/2022
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14y ago

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This question may be in reference to the Tauregs of Morocco who are known as the Blue People because of the blue clothing they wear or something known methemoglobin.

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Q: Do some people have blue skin?
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Is there a blue skinned human alive?

No person has skin that is naturally blue in color. Some people with light or pink skin may look blue-skinned when they are very cold, and some ancient tribal peoples painted their skins blue.

Why is it that the older you get blue veins are showing?

As people age their skin gets thin and "papery". In some places like the hands there is less fat under the skin.

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Purple skin is EXTREMELY rare. Few people have it. Blue skin is available with coupons in the nx shop. Buy a skin coupon to any place.

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Actual yes I have blue ees and freckles I haven't had skin cancer but I know people who have but yes it's true

Do people have blue skin?

This question may be in reference to the Tauregs of Morocco who are known as the Blue People because of the blue clothing they wear or something known methemoglobin.

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Celtic people tend to have dark brown hair, fair skin, and blue eyes because of genetics.

Do people who die from a heart attack go blue?

Yes. Their skin will turn a blue/black color.

Why does hair skin and eye color matter when dating someone?

Your hair, skin and eye color don't determine your personality or your ability to maintain good relationships. But some people are simply attracted to and prefer dating people with certain color hair, skin and eyes. For instance, some people love blue eyes, while some are attracted to brown eyes; some people aren't attracted to redheads, while others prefer them; and some people prefer dating someone with darker skin or race that matches their own, while some people don't care at all.

What is the name for blue or ashy color of the skin?

A blue tinged skin is said to be cyanotic.

Why are many Spaniards blue eye light skin?

The reason many Spaniards have blue eyes and light skin is because some Spanish people are of European decent which means they are considered part of the "white race".

Who are known as the blue men of the desert?

The Tuareg people of the Sahara are sometimes called the "Blue People" because the indigo pigment in the cloth of their traditional robes and turbans stained their skin dark blue.

Why some white women have darker or lighter skin mulatto children?

Some people have naturally darker skin than others. It all depends on what genes you end up with. Some white people have naturally darker skin, and some black people have naturally lighter skin.