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Hamsters aren't known to be particularly aggressive creatures, so it's very likely that Spiders will continue to come into your room even if you buy a hamster in an attempt to ward them off.

If spiders didn't come in your room before you had a hamster, it's unlikely that the presence of a hamster would increase the frequency with which spiders enter said room.

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Q: Do spiders come in your room if you have a hamster?
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Can a spider bite a hamster?

Yes. Spiders can bite a hamsters.

If you have seasonal allergies will a hamster hurt?

I have seasonal allergies and a hamster. I used to keep my hamster in the basement and now she is in my room, but there isn't really much of a difference. so no i don't think that a hamster would make things worse, but if you are still unsure don't keep the hamster in your room

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A warm room but not by a radiator and not by any drafts as the drafts can cause colds that hamster can get very easily

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It means that your hamster is above room temperature.

What room is sensible too keep a hamster in?

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Spiders have always been in Australia. There are some 10000 species of spiders in Australia.

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No, spiders do not get on your face. :) Believe me.

Is it true that if you put a chesnut in each corner of your room spiders will stay away?

No. I cannot believe that chestnuts in each corner of a room could have any effect on the presence of spiders!

What do you do if you have a squirmy hamster?

the best way to introduce your hamster to handling is to let them come to your hand. if you were a hamster you wouldn't want to be grabbed! show that you are not a threat by putting your hand in the cage near the hamster without touching it and slowly moving it away from the hamster. this way your hamster is more likely to come to your hand. avoid quick movements as this will scare your hamster. when your hamster has had enough leave it or it wont come out when you are there. though it may take time, your hamster will gradualy get used to your hand and wont mind being held! i am in the process of taming my fourth hamster at the moment! hope i helped!