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Planets orbit stars.

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Q: Do stars orbit planets or planets orbit stars?
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Do the stars orbit the planets or do planets orbit stars?

Moons orbit planets. Planets orbit stars. Some stars orbit other stars, or orbit their mutual center of gravity. Stars orbit the center of the galaxy. Galaxies may orbit the center of the "galactic group".

Can planets and stars orbit around the sun?

Planets orbit the sun. Stars do not.

Could a star orbit a planet larger then itself?

well for starters, stars don't orbit planets. Planets orbit stars, but some stars don't have planets that orbit them.

Do the stars or dwarf planets orbit planets?

No. Dwarf planets orbit stars just like planets do. Stars orbit the center of their galaxy. An object orbiting a planet would be a moon.

Are stars moons?

No. Stars are their own class of of objects. In simple terms planets orbit stars and moons orbit planets.

Is stars planets?

No. Stars are like suns, around which planets may orbit.

Why do planets orbit stars and moons orbit stars?

Because stars have a greater amount of gravity

Which galaxy are the planets on?

Planets orbit stars, stars orbit a galaxy. Planets are not "on" anything. A lot of stars out there have planets - we are just finding out how many now that we have better techniques to find them. So probably all galaxies have at least some stars with planets.

Why do planets need their stars?

Planets do not technically need their respective stars, but stars keep planets in orbit and provide heat and light to the planets.

How is a moon different from a planet?

Planets orbit stars, moons orbit planets. That is the only difference.

What makes a planet be classified as a dwarf planet instead of a moon?

Moons orbit planets. Planets (and dwarf planets) orbit stars.

What stars travel around mars?

none Stars do not orbit planets.