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Stem cells do not make people sick, because they exist in every person in the world. If stem cells did make people sick, which they don't, then everyone in the world would be sick. Stem cells do not make people sick.

~Surprisingly, there is a possibility that the stem cell could ''go bad'' and turn into the cell that actually causescancer... You don't need to worry, though, as long as you are taking care of your body, put sun tan lotion on in the summer, and DONT DO DRUGS!

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Why Are Stem Cells Harmful to people?

stem cells are not harmful to people. But stem cells are cells that do not have a specific function but as time goes on they develop a function.

Are people more upset about some types of stem cells than others?

People are more upset about embryonic stem cells than adult stem cells.

What are adult stem cells and what could you use them for?

Stem cells are those which could make up new tissues. Eg. bone marrow stem cells make up blood organelles. Adult stem cells could be used to make tissue that could then be transplanted into human beings.

How are stem cells done?

Stem cells are what make the neurotransmitter dopamine. Also it is what helps control movement.

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How does a stem store food?

A stem itself does not store food. The thing that stores food is the vacuole that is found in the cells. These cells make up the stem.

How does cord stem cells helps people?

Cord stem cells are exactly like normal stem cells, but they do come from an aborted fetus like most stem cells. Just like normal stem cells, they can be used to create any other cell needed in the human body.

What are the types of stem cells?

There are five basic stem cells classifications there is embryonic stem cells, fetal stem cells. There are the Umbilical cord stem cells, placenta stem cells, and lastly there are adult stem cells.

Where are the stem cells that make new cells to protect the intestine?

in the bones

Where are the stem cells that make new cells to protect the intestines?

in the bones

Are fetal cells only source of stem cells?

There are 2 type of stem cells * embryonic stem cells * and adult stem cells fetal stem cells are grouped into the adult stem cell category

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stem cells