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Q: Do stingrays use their barb to hunt?
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Do stingrays replaced their barb?


Do stingrays die after stinging something and losing their barb?

No, they don't. The barb regrows.

Where are stingrays stings?

The barb of a stingray is located in the tail.

What is Stingray body structure used for protection?

stingrays use a poisonuos barb to protect them selves from in your face produtions

Do orca whales eat stingrays?

yes they do they hunt for stingrays

How do stingrays hunt?

Sting rays hunt alone

Are stingrays predators?


What happens to a stingray when a predator comes?

Stingrays aren't very aggressive so when a predator comes they will usually try to hide or get away. If that is impossible then they will use their venomous barb and attack with it.

Do orcas eat stingray?

yes they do they hunt for stingrays

What are the special traits of a stingray?

Stingrays have a poisonous barb on their tails that they only use in self-defense. Stingrays are generally docile and will swim near people in shallow waters. They also have sensors around their mouth called ampullae of Lorenzini, that help them detect electrical charges from their prey.

What is a stingrays apperance?

Sting rays are wide and flat, they can grow up to 2.5 meters. There barb is yousualy 35 cm.

What are the stingray's habitat?

The Stingrays habitat is in the coastal tropical area and many hide in the sand. Stingrays are not aggressive, they will only attack if they have been stepped on, aggravated or threatened. They are venomous and can kill if the barb (stinger) gets close to a vital organ.