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Q: Do surface currents affect the land?
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How do surface currents affect weather?

Your mom is the way surface currents affect weather

What role does land play in affecting surface currents?

Land is above the waterline. No surface currents can flow over land.

How do continents affect surface currents?


What are 3 things that affect surface ocean currents?

Wind, deflection from land, temperature differences between layers of cold and warm water.

How do ocean currents affect temperature?

ocean currents may be considerably warmer or colder than the normal surface air temperatures. their effect is greatest when the prevailing winds blow from the water to the land.

How does Peru's elevation affect it's temperature and surface currents?

The higher up in elevation a place is, the colder it will be. As for surface currents, I have no clue.

What are three factors that affect the surface ocean currents?

Continental deflections,the Coriolis effect and global winds all effect surface ocean currents.

What three factors that affect surface ocean currents?

the sun and erosion

How does a continent affect the movement of a surface current?

When surface currents meet continents the current changes directions.

Why do large land areas cause surface currents to change direction?

because the surface currents move in huge circles ,they move clockwise in the northern hemisphere

What are streamlike movements of water that occur at or near the surface of the ocean called?


How do surface currents affect life?

It gives us hot and cold temperatures on earth.