

Do tarantulas spin silk

Updated: 12/10/2022
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11y ago

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Yes they do. Although they don't spin a 'classic' web, they do trail silk as they walk so they can always find their way. Tarantulas that occupy burrows also lay 'trip lines' of silk outside so they know when potential prey is approaching.

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What type of web does a taranchula spin?

Tarantulas do not capture their prey by using webs. They use their silk to make egg sacs, to line burrows, or (of they are arboreal) to make something like an inverted silken sock that they rest or sleep in.

What do you call the bristles on the feet of some silk-making tarantulas?

they are called setae.

Why do caterpillars spin silk?

well, catapillars dont really spin silk, silk worms make silk. catapillars make a sort of spider string but only when they cacoon themselfs up.

Is silk or cotton a fine material produced by special worms?

Silkworms spin silk, the answers in the name.

What do spiders do with there silk?

Spiders spin webs with their silk and also use it to wrap up their prey.

How long is a strand of silk the Chinese silkworm has been known to spin?

one silk worm can only spin about .5 of an in and sometimes more. in fact, a large one can spin enough to be wrapped around the tips of your fingers. It takes the silk almost forever to spin just that little so just think about how many silk worms they would need to make a silk dress! But, because China and Japan had so many of them. Other countries wanted this, so China traded silk during 300 BC on the Silk road.

What do silkworms make?

They make silk...when the spin their cacoon

What do blue tarantulas do?

Spin webs, crawl, eat, mate, and die like every other arachnid.

Why do people keep silk worms?

Silk is not made out of silk worms. Silk is made by silk worms which spin to make a cocoon for themselves.

How do they make silk at the factory?

they spin it out of a cocoon then theyweave it in to chlothes

How do spiders spin webs?

Unlike most spiders, tarantulas do not catch their prey in webs. They find a spot, and just sit and wait. When something appears, they use a burst of speed to grab the victim with it's eight legs, and then inject immobilizing venom.Most tarantulas are 'ambush' predators. Instead of roaming the area looking for prey, they'll sit extremely still and simply wait for prey to come within range. They 'launch' themselves at the intended victim, and quickly inject powerful venom.