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It would only do it if it was regular sodas

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Q: Do the Ingredients in diet sodas hinder the bones in anyway?
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What are the ingredients for most diet sodas?

They contain normal ingredients with less sugar and pseudosugars

Why is soda different colors?

Different sodas have different ingredients and dyes in them. If you read the label on sodas like Fanta, it says all of the food coloring they use in it.

What affects does drpepper have on the bones?

Dr. Pepper as well as other sodas have negative affects on the bones. They decrease bone density, which makes your bones very weak and brittle.

What are the ingredients in Bubblicious gum?

One of the ingredients in Bubblious bubble gum is a deadly sweetener called Aspartame also used in diet sodas & low fat yogurt.

What is a kola nut?

It is a type of nut grown on the evergreen level of the rain forest and we use its ingredients for sodas like Coca-Cola and Pepsi

What sodas contain citric acid?

I am almost positive that all sodas have citric acid cuz if u check the ingredients on soda almost always(I haven't drank evry soda in the world tho!:D) says citric acid somewhere on it

Do dark sodas or clear sodas have more fizz?


Do all diat sodas have asptame?

No, some use stevia, some use splenda, and others use sween-n-low You need to read the ingredients.

What soda rots chicken bones fastest?

Since Coke or Pepsi decays teeth the most i think those 2 sodas will decay a bone faster.

If shaking five different typpes of sodas will they spew the same amount?

No, because they will all contain different ingredients, and probably different amounts of dissolved CO2 gas.

What are the pros and cons for soda at school?

Pros: --Tastiness. As much as THAT is worth in the terms of health. --It helps to settle upset stomachs. Cons: --Sets a poor example to students as what is appropriate and what not. -- Too many school aged young people have never even tasted unadulterated juice; they need exposure to the real thing. --A poor substitute for real fruit juice because it has no nutrition. --Linked to diabetes and heart disease --Sugars in sodas are fattening. Chemicals in diet sodas can also cause weight gain --Causes weak bones (especially in undeveloped bones, i.e. young people's bones) --Acidic bases are in ALL sodas. reference 1 below... --Bad for your teeth. Just talk to a dentist. --Diet sodas = pending cancer in a can. "Aspartame produces methanol, which can produce cancer."

Do carbonated drinks cause weight gain?

They may not hinder weight loss, but they will cause bloating. This can appear as though weight is not being lost, as the stomach will be consistently bigger than it should be.