

Best Answer

First of all, millions of Jews do live in Israel, while millions more live in roughly 135

other countries. What kind of question is "Do they 'deserve' ..." to live where they

live ? ? Where and when in civilized human history have people been expelled from

a place on the grounds that they don't 'deserve' to live there ?

Next, without going into any long detailed justification, which could not help quickly

turning into opinion and defensiveness, we'll simply point out that that if the group

representing the goals and aspirations of the Jews had not had a just claim to the

right and privilege of establishing and building a modern nation in that place, then

the General Assembly of the United Nations would probably not have granted and

endorsed it with a majority affirmative vote, as it did on November 29, 1947.

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Q: Do the Jews deserve to live in Israel?
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What percent of all Jews live in Israel?

41% of all Jews live in israel

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Some Jews live in Israel.

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Jews didnt deserve to use coping skills because they didnt deserve to live but they did give out rings in the holocaust

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There are Jews all over the world. The one who live in Israel are Israeli Jews, like those in the U.S called American Jews.

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The Jewish home is considered to be Israel. All Jews are welcome there, and some Jews think that all Jews should live in Israel.

Who deserves the israeli land?

Neither the Palestinians or Jews deserve the land of israel if they keep on fighting. I think that they should simply split up the land equally into two : problem solved!!!!! Then there will be two countries : Palestine and Israel and so they can live in peace.

Where do 2 3 of the world's Jews live?

Approximately 2/3 of the world's Jews live in Israel.

Where do Jews live in Israel?

The answer depends on how the question is read:Reading 1: At what time did only Jews and no other people live in Israel?Never. Jewish people have lived in Israel for thousands of years, but there has never been a time when ONLY Jewish people lived within it's borders.Reading 2: At what time did all Jews live exclusively in Israel?The Jewish People lived exclusively in Israel from their early development as a nation (in what is now Israel and the West Bank) up to 586 BCE when the Babylonians conquered the Kingdom of Judah and exiled the Jewish aristocracy to Babylon (and therefore made part of the Jewish community live outside of Israel). Never again did the Jews exclusively live in Israel.

Many people believe that the Jews deserve the land where Israel is located?

and some Palestinians ( christian and Muslim) think they deserve it too, probably with slightly more justification. The situation is now that Jews have been in Israel for 50 years and they have gained some "residential rights however they need to accommodate the legitimate aspirations of their neighbours.

What is it called when Jews are encouraged to live in Israel?

This is called Zionism.

Where do all Jews lives?

Jews live around the world, but primarily in Israel and America.

How do Ethiopian Jews live in Israel?

They're citizens of Israel and participate in all aspects of Israeli life.