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Anybody who follows a particular religion should think that he is following the right path. I don't think that a wise man should knowingly and willingly follow the wrong path.
The Muslims believe that they are following the right path because they believe in all the prophets sent by Almighty God for the guidance of humans. They worship the same Almighty God Whom the Christians and the Jews worship. They believe in the life hereafter. They also believe in the Day of Judgement, and the faith that they are answerable to Almighty God for their deeds and actions, here and in the hereafter. Such a belief makes a person rightful, true, honest and merciful.
Most people wind up believing in whatever religion they are taught to believe by their parents, when they are children. It is not an accident that the children of Muslims mostly grow up to be Muslims, the children of Christians mostly grow up to be Christians, the children of Hindus mostly grow up to be Hindus, etc. We can try to point out the persuasive aspects of the religion of we wish, but religious belief has more to do with the trust that children place in their parents.

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Q: Do the Muslims believe they follow the right religion and if so why?
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Peace to you, There is no compulsion in religion or faith.

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& I have a firm belief that Shia Muslims are on the right Islam. Sincere Muslim I believe Sunni Muslims are on the right path of Islam. Sincere Muslim