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That depends on which story you are reading!

Every story has characters - some of them are believable and others are not. You'll have to make that determination for every story you read.

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Q: Do the characters seem like real people?
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How do you know when an author did a good job on characterization?

If the characters seem like real people to the readers, then the author has done a good job.

Do the caracters from Maximum Ride seem real to you?

This question is asking for an opinion, so you will get various mixed responses. In my opinion, they absolutely seem real. In fact, I've seen and met real people who act and look just like some of the characters.

What is character credibility?

characters that seem real or realistic. Note: superheros are NOT credible characters.

What is a credible character?

characters that seem real or realistic. Note: superheros are NOT credible characters.

What are good characters?

Good characters are the ones that seem like real people to the readers. They have flaws and imperfections, worries and hopes and emotions. They struggle to reach their goals. They get hurt and they cry and you can identify with them because you've done the same thing.

Is faberry real?

No. The word comes from the names of two female characters in the popular TV show "Glee"-- Rachel Berry and Quinn Fabray. Just like the show, the two characters are fictional. But of course, to their fans, their interactions (and maybe even the two of them) seem very much like real people... even if they are not.

What characters should you have for your story?

Whatever characters you are interested in! Nobody can write your story except for you. Characters should be believable and seem to be real people -- not perfect or super-powerful. They should have enough interesting quirks to make the readers like them, and should make enough mistakes to make them human.

What helps readers identify with a character?

Readers identify with characters who seem the most real. They like a character with real emotions who acts like real people act. They also identify more with people who seem to be like them -- people who act and think like they would act and think if they were in the same situation. For example, readers are not going to identify with a "hero" who is absolutely perfect and never does anything wrong. They would identify with a person who finds themselves in a tough situation and tries to help other people, but who makes some mistakes and gets hurt from them.

What makes a character real in a story?

the process itself is called "characterization".

Who will exchange a cyndaquil with you in Pokemon white?

Nobody. They are computerized characters and are not real. They are just giving you an opportunity to get a bettter pokemon for one of yours to make it seem like a real world trade.

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Yes they are the real victims.

How do you build characters when writing a novel?

An author needs to really understand people! Study people all the time to see how they act, move, talk, and look. Only when you understand people will you be able to create effective characters. Good characters seem to be alive - they speak like actual people, they act like actual people, and they think and feel like actual people.