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yes ,yes they do

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Q: Do the eastern woodlands Indians eat buffalo?
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What did eastern woodlands eat?

Eastern woodlands eat rabbits,bears,and deer. (animals)

What did the woodland Indians kill with their bow and arrow?

because they had to eat and the only way to eat was to kill animals like moose;deer;rabbits;and racoons.Thats how the eastern woodlands survived.36028706

What did Indians eat?

the Indians ate buffalo and berries!

What did Comanche Indians eat?

the Comanche Indians eat buffalo,berries,peanuts.

What does tocobaga Indians eat?


What do the Cheyenne Indians eat?

They eat buffalo skin

What did the Indians use buffalo meat for?

they used the buffalo meat to eat.

What did the Wichita Indians eat?

fish berries nuts buffalo..

What did indians make tools out of?

they used the buffalo bone and all parts of the buffalo you can't eat

What did the Comanche Indians Eat for lunch?

Buffalo, nuts or berries

What did Wichita Indians eat?

fish berries nuts buffalo..

What did did the Indians eat?

Meat, corn, fish,and Buffalo etc.