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Yes they do. Each letter has it's own pronunciation but it is the exact same alphabet.

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14h ago

Yes, the French language uses the same Latin alphabet as English, with a few additional characters such as accents and diacritics. This helps to distinguish the pronunciation of certain letters in French words.

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Does the French language use the same alphabet as the English language?


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Yes, both French and English use the same alphabet, with a few minor differences.

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Portuguese people use the Latin alphabet. Same as the one Spanish, Italian, French and Romanian speakers use.

How do you spell Craig in french?

We all use the standard alphabet to Craig would be spelled the same as in French.

How does French alphabet compare with the English alphabet?

The French alphabet has 26 letters, just like the English alphabet. However, French includes accents on some letters, such as é, è, ê, and ç. Additionally, French does not use the letters W, K, or Y as frequently as English does.

Does the french alphabet use the same alphabet as the English language?

no its not so. yes its true that the alphabets appear same but they sound different. like in english 'a' is pronounced 'ay' but in french a is pronounced as 'une'

How do you spell the french alphapet?

The French alphabet has the same spelling than the English alphabet. You can hear it at: (link).

What does french alphabet look like?

Same as the English alphabet with different pronunciations.

Is french alphabet the same as romance alphabet?

There is no such alphabet called the "romance alphabet". If you are talking about the Latin alphabet, French uses all of the letters of the Latin alphabet with a few additions, including: ç, j, u, and w. (w is only used in foreign words in French).

Does Canada have an alphabet?

The Latin alphabet (The same as in the United States).

Is alphabet a french word?

To put it simply.... Yes. Alphabet (French) is translated to English as the same word (alphabet). However along with all French word's.. there is different pronunciation. Alphabet in France is pronounced. "alpha-be". As you notice, you leave out the "t" (French people have to be complicated, :LL).