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Q: Do the leaves of the rose glow barberry plant fall off?
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What would happen if you lit a glow-stick on fire?

The liquid would probably fall out of the glow-stick

What do sylvari look like?

Sylvari are plant like creatures, usually green or red in color. Their hair is usually composed of leaves, but some have heads of mushrooms. Their veins and hair glow in a selected color.

What would make a plant glow underwater?

Bacteria and sunlight.

A tobacco plant with a firely gene that makes it glow is an example of?

a genetic transformation?

What tiny plant causes the water to glow at night?

Bioluminescent/ phosphorescent plankton

Copying a firefly gene into a tobacco plant to cause it to glow is an example of?

Genetic Engineering

A tobacco plant that grows in the dark is an example of?

An impossibility. Tobacco is a plant that is dependent on photosynthesis for it to grow. There are tobacco plants which have been gene-spliced to glow in the dark, though.

How do you get the light on the Urbz?

there is a glow stick by the first man eating plant you pass while going to the creepy tree.

What causes meteor to glow when they fall on earth?

The main cause is they fart alot but also its because they are going so fast

What are facts about glow worms?

Glow wormsThey swallow rocks to help with digestion.They glow.

What happens when you snap a glow stick to make it glow?

When you snap a glow stick to make it glow, it will glow.

Does Revlon frost and glow make your hair fall out?

Hair color shouldn't make your hair fall out. However if you relax or perm your hair you shouldn't color at the same time because it can damage hair.