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they can't force you to do something you don't want to do. It's unlikely to be a hospital policy as it's your choice whether you want to breastfeed or not. Not all hospitals provide formula for newborns, check with the one you are booked at, or get some in your hospital bag so you have some with you anyway.

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Q: Do the nurses in the hospital insist that you breastfeed your newborn baby the first milk even if your not going to continue breastfeeding or can they provide you with newborn formula?
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Why breastfeed in public?

Because Breastfeeding is cleaner, safer, healthier and quicker then formula feeding and if a baby is hungry while out in public, less annoying as well.

If you have breastmilk in your boobies and you touch formula will you run out of breast milk?

is ths a serious question? No, you won't. Breastfeeding is about supply and demand. It will reduce supply if you stop/reduce the amount you breastfeed.

Is only two months of breastfeeding bad?

Any breastfeeding for your child is amazing. But the longer you're able to breastfeed, whether that mean exclusively or supplementing with formula while you're at work, is the best. Pediatricians advice to breastfeed until the child is at least a year (when they can transfer to cow's milk), or even better, until they are 24 months. But like I said, any breastfeeding is absolutely amazing. Especially the first two weeks when you are giving your child your immunities. Just remember, breast is best. :-)

Breastfeed and formula?

Breast is best.

Can you breastfeed and use formula?

Yes, you can breastfeed and use formula together when feeding an infant. Breasts/mammary glands will produce enough milk to meet the baby's demands - usually. There are times, however, when the baby's demands may be more than what the mammary glands can produce. Generally your pediatrician will instruct you to supplement your breastfeeding with a certain amount of formula. You might discuss this with your pediatrician if your baby continues to be fussy after breastfeeding, your baby appears unable to latch on sufficiently, or your breast milk supply seems to be lessening. If formula is supplemented, be aware that this may decrease your breast milk production since the baby will demand less milk production.

Is breastfeeding cheaper than formula?

Defenitely.... breastfeeding is free. Formula can run you about $100 a month give or take some.

What should I do breastfeed or bottlefeed, what are the health benifits to breastfeeding and what are the downfalls to feeding with a bottle?

With bottle feeding formula getting closer and closer to matching the exact nutrients and vitamins that breast milk does there isn't a right or wrong. Its all on personal preference.

Why is breastfeeding your baby important?

Everthing below is correct, but there is more. Breastfeeding is how a baby is SUPPOSED to eat. Formula should only be used in the rare case where a mother is unable to breastfeed (which is more rare than people think it is), in adoption cases, or in a situation where the mother dies. It also signinficantly reduces the chance or breast cancer in the mother, and possibly in the baby later on in life. There is NO reason not to breastfeed if you are alive, well, and keeping your baby. == == It is so much healthier than giving the baby formula. When a mother breastfeeds, she is passing on nutrients and giving the baby a better immune system by sharing antibodies. This sharing is called the baby's passive immune system. Breastfeeding also helps the mother lose some weight that she put during the pregnancy. It is estimated that breastfeeding burns around 500 calories.

How can you combine breastfeeding with feeding formula?

Yes you can supplement with formula. When I was nursing my girl. She was breastfed mostly, and bottle fed on occasion. i only fed her a bottle while I was out and about. I was too shy to breastfeed her in public. I use to sit on the bathroom floors to feed her when I had no bottles made. With my second child, i breastfed him purely until 9mos, then went to full time formula. Even when I went out I gave him my breast, I wasnt as shy, and I covered him up with a blanket. I got so good at it, i was able to eat my meal while breastfeeding. whatever you choose good luck. If you didnt get the answer you wanted, then you can always Call Le Leche, they are breastfeeding Help. Goodluck!

What is hospital formula?

what is th hospital formula

Why do mothers want to throw up when breastfeeding their babies?

This is not common. Most women don't feel this way. Possible reasons; - uterus contracts after birth when you breastfeed so that makes you feel sick. - she might not be comfortable with breastfeeding. Not all women likes it. Then formula can be a better choice. - she is having post partum depression and therefor it feels alien to feed the child since you just want to get away from it. - breastfeeding hurts like hell in the beginning and pain can make you want to throw up.

Breast feeding good or bad?

World Breastfeeding Week 2022: Educate and Support Breastfeeding Yummy Valley World Breastfeeding Week is a public health campaign to increase breastfeeding rates and support the rights of breastfeeding mothers. It is observed every year during the first week of August. The theme for World Breastfeeding Week 2022 is: Step Up for Breastfeeding: Educate and Support. This theme aims to highlight the importance of high breastfeeding rates and how much can be achieved through education and support. The week was first observed in 2016 by UNICEF, WHO, UNFPA and WHO/UNICEF Joint Programme on Breastfeeding Promotion (JPBP). The campaign is now being coordinated as part of World Health Day celebrations each year. The mission of Breastfeeding Week is to increase awareness of the benefits of breastfeeding and support mothers in breastfeeding their babies for at least six months. The campaign is designed to educate mothers about the importance of breastfeeding and dispel common myths about breastfeeding. Breastfeeding Awareness Month (August) is also about encouraging breastfeeding in public places (such as restaurants and malls), as well as making sure people are comfortable when it comes to talking about breastfeeding in public. Breastfeeding is Normal . Breastfeeding is natural, ordinary and necessary for babies. Breastfeeding is beneficial for both mothers and babies and helps protect the mother’s breast from cancer, infection and other illnesses. Breast milk contains antibodies which are needed by the baby’s immune system. Breastfeeding also gives mothers a sense of control over their bodies and helps them feel connected to their babies. Mothers who breastfeed are healthier than those who don’t. Breastfeeding is the best way to feed your baby. It helps protect your baby from getting sick, and it also helps to strengthen your bond with your baby. Breastfeeding has many benefits for babies and moms: It protects against illness, including diarrhoea and respiratory infections Babies who are breastfed have a lower risk of ear infections, allergies and asthma compared to those who are formula-fed Breastfeeding can help babies sleep better at night, which reduces the risk of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) Breastfeeding helps a mom lose weight after giving birth, which allows her to recover faster from delivery. It takes longer for breasts to return to their pre-pregnancy size after breastfeeding ends than after bottle-feeding lots. Babies who are breastfed are less likely to develop childhood obesity than those who are bottle-fed. Breastfeeding helps mothers bond with their babies, which is essential for both mother and child in the early stages of life. It also encourages mothers to take good care of themselves after giving birth since breastfeeding can help them lose weight if they are overweight or obese. Mother’s Milk for Baby’s Future Breastfeeding is mother’s milk for man’s future. Breast milk contains all infants need to grow and develop. Breastfeeding also helps mothers to recover from childbirth and to protect them from infections, cancer and other diseases. Breastfeeding is a natural process that helps babies to grow healthy, strong and confident. It also protects babies from preventable illnesses like diarrhoea, pneumonia and ear infections. The World Health Organization (WHO) says that breastfeeding can reduce the risk of sudden infant death syndrome by up to 90%. In addition, exclusive breastfeeding for 6 months reduces the risk of breast cancer in the mother by as much as 50% and in both mothers and their children by 25-35%. Contains Everything Your Baby Needs Breastfeeding is the best way to start a baby’s life and the best way to continue it. Breast milk contains all infants need to grow and develop. According to WHO, breastfeeding is the ideal way to feed your baby because it helps them develop healthy habits and immunities. Breastfeeding is also essential in preventing infant death and disease. Breastfeeding can help prevent diarrhoea, pneumonia, ear infections and other illnesses that can be deadly for an infant. It’s also linked to better growth and development for breastfed babies for at least six months. The World Breastfeeding Week is a time to celebrate the joys of breastfeeding, raise awareness about the importance of maternal health, and promote the value of breastmilk as an alternative to infant formula.