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Q: Do the paiute tribe were clamshellnecklace?
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Which tribe won against the Paiute tribe the Blackfoot or the Paiute?

The blackfoot tribe won.The blackfoot tribe won because the paiute tribe had bad hunting skills and food skills.

What did the tribe paiute eat?

The Paiute tribe is known for living across parts of Utah and California. Their tribe eats reptiles, birds, insects, fish and small animals.

What was the natural resources of the paiute tribe?


What tribe did Sarah Winnemucca belong to?

The northen paiute, in nevada

Who constructed the Paiute tribe's homes?

The tribe constructed their own teepees . They were a plains tribe so used tepees for shelter.

Did the Paiute tribe eat animals and what animals?

yes they ate turtles

What were the Paiute men's and women's roles in the tribe?

men tak car of young

What was the first Native American tribe in Utah?

Navajo, Paiute, Ute, Goshute, Shoshone. and that is all i know of

Who was Mckay Richard Pikyvat?

He was the last of the Paiute Indian chiefs. He brought back his Tribe into federal recognition.

What are 3 Native American tribes in Nevada?

they were washoe Cherokee shoshone and paiute

What clothing did Paiute Indians wear?

The Paiute Indians wore clothing appropriate to their area, which was Northern California, Idaho, Nevada, and Oregon. In cold weather, this pretty much covered the body. The article on Wikipedia on the Paiute People shows a number of people, many dressed in traditional clothing. There is a like to it below.

What did the Southern Paiute Native American tribe wear?

pee and poopie clothes that belonged on my brother jerry her number is 1760-921- 8316