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If she is under their insurance that should pick up the bill, if not the pregnant child should be eligible for medicaid for prenatal care and for her unborn child.

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Yes, but can be argued against to the court.

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Q: Do the parent of a pregnant teen have to pay for her medical bills in the State of New York?
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If a custodial parent leaves the state is the other parent responsible for medical bills?

If court ordered, it does not matter the location of the child, but he should file an injunction. see link

If the child support order states that you must pay for medical insurance are you also obligated to pay the dental and optical bills not covered by the insurance?

most of the time they give responsibility to CARRY the insurance on the child to one parent but also state that the other parent has to pay half of the medical bills that are aquired. Depends on the divorce papers. Its all about the legalities. most of the time they give responsibility to CARRY the insurance on the child to one parent but also state that the other parent has to pay half of the medical bills that are aquired. Depends on the divorce papers. Its all about the legalities.

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Are parents responsible for teen pregnancy medical bills in the State of California?

You are responsible to pay for your child's health, pregnant or not, as long as they are minors.

In the state of Arkansas are children responsible for medical expenses for a deceased parent?

Medical bills are the responsibility of the estate. If the estate cannot do so, they distribute as best they can. If the court approves the distribution, the debts are ended.

Are children responsible for medical bills of a deceased parent in Pennsylvania?

For Pennsylvania the estate has the responsibility to settle the medical bills, not the children. Once that is done, the remainder can be distributed.

What is the parent's responsibility for medical bills for adult children that are on the parents insurance policy?

If the child is over age 18, then the parent is not responsible for the child's medical bills. The child is legally responsible for anything that the insurance policy did not pay.

Are Children responsible for their own medical bills?

No, their parent(s) or guardian(s) are responsible.

Is the child responsible for medical expenses related to the parent's death?

Only if the adult child signed an agreement to take such responsibility. If that is not the case, the medical bills will be included in the probate procedure and handled in accordance with state laws.

Who is responsible for medical bills when parent dies in nc?

Medical bills are the responsibility of the estate to pay. If the estate cannot do so, they distribute as best they can. If the court approves the distribution, the debts are ended.

What is the parent's responsibility for medical bills for adult children?

Parents shouldn't be responsible for adult children.

What do you do when the noncustodial parent has stopped paying third-party medical insurance premium for their child?

It depends upon how the court order is worded. If the non-custodial parent is responsible for health insurance for the child, then you would need to go back to court. If he is responsible for paying the medical bills, then you would send him the bills. In any case, he remains on the hook for the child's medical bills.