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Yes, and they also speak Malagasy (their second official language) and English.

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Q: Do the people of Madagascar speak French?
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How many french people live on Madagascar?

About 4.8 million people in Madagascar speak French, which is 19% of the population.

Which town in madagascar do people speak french?

French is not spoken "by town" in Madagascar. It is spoken by highly educated people all over the country.

Why do people in madagasgar speak french?

French is one of the official languages in Madagascar because the country was colonized by the French in the 19th century. The language has been retained as a legacy of colonialism and is still used in government, education, and business.

Do madgascan people speak french?

Yes, Madagascar is a francophone country. French is one of Madagascar's official languages (the other is Malagasy).

Why do people in Madagascar speak malagasy?

Because it's their native language.That's like asking why the French speak French or the English Speak English or the Chinese speak Chinese.

What is the word Madagascar in french?

Madagascar is Madagascar for french people Madagascar is an island and a movie for English people same

What statements about present-day Madagascar and mali shows the influence of France on the two countries in the 1800s?

Many people in Madagascar and Mali speak French.

What island in africa became a french holding and speak the french language?


How does Madagascar say hello?

In many parts of Madagascar they speak french. hello is bonjour. Malagash is salama

How do people say goodbye in Madagascar?

In many parts of Madagascar they speak french. hello is bonjour. Malagash is salama

What do madagscar people speak?

madagascar people i think speak frend and jamaican ----

Why do the Madagascans speak French?

French is one of the official languages of Madagascar due to the country's history of French colonization. It is still widely spoken in government, business, and education sectors.