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No, it is done automatically.

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Q: Do the pilots in an aircraft adjust the pressure while taking off and landing?
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Do the pilots adjust pressure in an air craft while taking off or landing why?

No,it is done automatically

Does an aircraft switch off its headlights while cruising at high altitudes?

Sometimes. The FAA leaves this up to the pilots discretion. At night the landing lights on an aircraft can create an obstruction to vision by lighting any mist or particulates in the air, creating a white haze. Most pilots turn off the landing lights after leaving the traffic pattern. However, the landing lights also make the aircraft much more visible to other pilots, so some pilots prefer to leave them on. As a rule, I turn on the landing lights whenever i am in proximity to an airport or other aircraft, otherwise they are switched off.

Have any pilots broken their back by landing on an aircraft carrier?

Prior to today's (21st century) computerized aircraft; More than likely.

What is the definition of a complex type aircraft?

A "complex aircraft" is an aircraft which has a constant-speed propeller and/or retractable landing gear. The FAA requires pilots to attain the "complex aircraft" license endorsement before they are permitted to act as "Pilot in command" for such aircraft.

What is VAR on the airport diagram?

Visual Approach Rules - used for airports where the pilots will land their aircraft not using the Instrument Landing System

Why do pilots have to know wind velocity?

Pilots need to know wind velocity because, when landing and taking off, they need to adjust their power and other settings for wind to be able to stay on course.

Did they land bi-planes on aircraft carriers?

Yes the very first carrier landing was on the Uss Langley and the pilots name was Ely. He was flying a Biplane.

Why supersonic aircraft retract its cone during landing?

If you are talking about the Concord, then I believe it is because the "nose" was so long that the pilots had a hard time seeing the runway. So they made it pivot, so the pilots could see.

How do pilots taxi upon landing?

Pilots use two pedals on the floor to taxi after landing, the yoke is not used for steering

Why static air temperature is required by pilots?

The short answer is that aircraft performance (take off/landing distance, climb capability, engine power ...) depends on air temperature.

What tells you how high a plane is flying?

An altimeter (altitude meter) tells the pilots how high the aircraft is flying. There are 2 types of altimeters commonly used in aircraft: pressure altimeters and radar altimeters.

Do pilots change the shape of the wing during takeoff and landing to move more air over the top of the wings or to even out the flow of air on both sides of the wings?

Movable wings are there in war planes to reduce the landing/take off run of the aircraft. in certain aircraft boundary layer control system is used.