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Ralph, who was the elected leader said that they did but Jack, when he formed his own tribe, insisted that the conch didn't count at his end of the island.

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Q: Do the rules work all over the island in Lord of the Flies?
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In Lord of the Flies where are the boys fleeing from?

they aren't fleeing... their plane was shot down over an island and they were stranded.

Which part of the island has jack not been in lord of the flies?

Jack has not been to the part of the island where Simon's secluded clearing is located in "Lord of the Flies."

In Lord of the Flies - what was Jack's quest?

In Lord of the Flies Jack had two quests. First and foremost he wanted to be the leader, he wanted power over all of the boys on the island. Jack's second quest was to hunt and kill.

What do you think he actually sees and talks to in chapter 8?

It is a hallucination that has occurred as a result of the island's isolation having driven him mad. The pigs head is the Lord of the Flies as chaos and the inner savage within all of the inhabitants now rules over the island.

What are some minor conflicts in lord Of The Flies?

Some minor conflicts in "Lord of the Flies" include disagreements over who should lead the group, tensions between the littluns and biguns, and arguments over the importance of maintaining the signal fire. These conflicts contribute to the overall breakdown of order and morality on the island.

In chapter three what are the signs of order and organization in Lord of the flies?

In chapter three of "Lord of the Flies," signs of order and organization include the boys holding regular meetings, establishing rules for the conch shell as a symbol of authority, and assigning tasks such as building shelters and maintaining the signal fire. Additionally, Ralph's efforts to prioritize rescue over other concerns demonstrate a desire for structure and governance on the island.

Jack in the Lord of the Flies doesn't feel the need to be what?

Jack in "Lord of the Flies" doesn't feel the need to be civilized or adhere to rules and order. He becomes increasingly savage and embraces violence and power over rationality and cooperation throughout the novel.

What is the point of having power on a deserted island anyway in lord of the flies?

In "Lord of the Flies," power symbolizes control and influence over others. Being in a position of power on a deserted island allows characters to assert authority, make decisions, and shape the group dynamics. It shows the struggle for dominance and how power can corrupt individuals.

In Lord of the Flies what item does Jack have?

Jack has a knife in "Lord of the Flies," which he uses as a symbol of authority and power over the other boys on the island.

Who said 'We'll hunt and I'm going to be chief' in the novel Lord of the Flies?

Jack said this line in the novel "Lord of the Flies" by William Golding. He is asserting his leadership and authority over the others by declaring that he will be the chief and lead the hunting activities on the island.

Who said we want meat In lord of the flies?

The quote "We wants meat" is said by the character Jack in the novel "Lord of the Flies" by William Golding. The line represents the desire for power and control over resources that eventually leads to savagery among the boys on the island.

What does it mean that the devil is lord over the flies?

This phrase likely refers to the symbolism in William Golding's novel "Lord of the Flies," where the character of the "lord of the flies" represents the darkness and evil within humanity. The devil being referred to as the lord over the flies could suggest a similar idea of evil having power over corrupted or base aspects of human nature.