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Yes, some spinal nerves do branch off of the spinal cord, so the nerves can collect the messages for the body.

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Q: Do the spinal nerves branch off of the spinal cord?
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Nervouse systeem consists of the brain and spinal cord?

Yes, plus all of the millions of nerves which branch off of the spinal cord.

What does the spinal cord do to help the rest of the nervous system?

The spinal cord is like the main road through a city, it provides a pathway down the body for the other nerves to branch off and reach muscles, tissues, organs etc. and for these nerves to join back up and return to the brain.

What composes of all the nerves running off the spinal cord?

They are called as motor neuron.

Does the study of neurology include brain and spinal cord?

Yes, but it also includes the peripheral nerves that come off of the spinal cord and their relationship with the muscles in the body.

With marked narrowing of the neural foramina?

The Neural Foramen are grooves in the vertebra, just behind the vertebral body that the nerves that branch off the spinal cord exit the spinal canal from. If they are grossly patent they are open, and free from obstruction, so there is no compression of the nerves that course through these channels.

What does capacious neural foramina mean?

The Neural Formaina are holes that are formed between each joint of the spinal column through which the spinal nerves that branch off the spinal cord pass. These nerves go to your arms, legs, torso and various organs, carrying messages to and from the brain and body. Capacious means open and spacious, indicating that the nerves are not compromised by the degeneration of the spinal joints that can narrow the Neural Formamina.

The bulge in the spinal cord that gives off nerves to the upper limbs is called?

Lumbar enlargement.

What is spinal encroachment?

Essentially a narrowing of the intervertebral foramen (area where spinal cord runs down the spine). This narrowing can be due to trauma or growing osteophytes,that put pressure on the spinal cord and the nerves that come off the spinal cord. It can cause paresthesia, weakening of muscles and even death if severe.

Where does the spinal cord start and ends?

In an adult the lower end of the spinal cord usually ends at approximately the first lumbar vertebra, where it divides into many individual nerve roots (L1). That is the reason Lumbar Puncture usually perform at L3-L4 in order to prevent accidentally injure to the spinal cord. The point where the spinal cord ends is referred to as the "conus medullaris"

How many pairs of nerves branch off of the spine?

SPINAL CORD31 Pairs - Spinal NervesCervical8 pairThoracic12 pairLumbar5 pairSacral5 pairCoccyx1 pair

The brain and spine make up the what nervous system?

The central nervous system = brain and spinal cord.The nerves that come off of the spinal cord make up the peripheral nervous system

Spinal nerves branch off the?

Tiny blood vessels that allow substances to pass between the blood and body tissues are called