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I assume you are referring to the "matricula consular" photo ID card issued to Mexican citizens residing in the United States. Their acceptance varies by jurisdiction. I have seen them accepted in New York City for purposes of cashing a check, opening a bank account, showing ID to a police officer, using a credit card at a retail store. I have also seen them rejected by bar bouncers as not being sufficient for proving age. I believe some of the new Arizona-style state Immigration statutes stipulate that they are not to be accepted for any purpose as legal identification.

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What can you use for an id?

ID cards.

Can you use a matricula consular to prove your identity when the local police ask you for ID?

If this is the only ID you have, then it is better than nothing. You should invest in a (foreign) passport, however, and try to obtain a copy of your birth certificate. These are much better forms of ID. The one advantage that the matricula consular has is that it shows the address of your US residence.

ID Cards Creator Program?

Design multiple Plastic ID cards using ID Card Designer Software.

Can you use a matricula consular as ID to purchase a gym membership?

As long as you have the money to pay for the membership, you could probably use a picture of your birthday cake as ID to get one.

What is the purpose of municipal ID cards?

The purpose of the municipal ID cards is for identification within a given municipality.

What are moral issues with ID cards?

There are only 1 moral issue with id cards. The can be copied or easily stolen

How are ID Cards safe?

id cards are safe because it gives your child proof and authority of age and gender and sex

What are the primary government bodies that develop policies for ID cards?

What are the primary government bodies that develop policies for ID cards

What are ID card machines used for?

An ID card machine is used to create ID cards and badges. These may be encoded with security information for restricted access or plain cards without security features. The cards will be laminated or embossed.

What are ID printers most commonly used for?

ID printers are most commonly used to print identification cards. These include drivers licenses, health cards, credit cards and social insurance number cards.

Can you use a matricula consular to prove your identity when the state police ask you for ID?

If this is the only ID you have, then it is better than nothing. You should invest in a (foreign) passport, however, and try to obtain a copy of your birth certificate. These are much better forms of ID.