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No. There are no bears of any kind in Australia, and that includes Tasmania. Remember that koalas are not bears: nor should they even be called 'koala bears' as this is both misleading and categorically incorrect. (And there are also no wild koalas in Tasmania.)

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Q: Do they have bears in Tasmanian rainforsts in australia?
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Tasmanian devils cannot eat bears, for two simple reasons. 1. There are no bears in Australia. 2. Tasmanian Devils eat carrion, which means the dead bodies of animals, as well as live prey which is small, such as up to the size of the common wombat. They would not eat live bears.

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Koala bears and kangaroosThere is no such thing as a koala bear.Koalas, kangaroos, Tasmanian devils, sugar gliders, bilbies and wombats are commonly associated with Australia.

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The habitat of the Tasmanian tiger is Australia

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Are there grizzly bears in Australia?

no, the only bears in Australia are koalas

Which continents do Tasmanian devils live in?

The Tasmanian devil is found only on the continent of Australia.