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No, they will not remove the toe.

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Q: Do they remove toe during surgery of a bunion?
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What is the average recovery time after bunion surgery?

Bunion surgery will take a little while to recover. You should be out of work for about a week and not walking for about a month. You will be in a boot or a cast for a few weeks to a couple months possibly on crutches. Good Luck!!!!!

What is a Bunion?

A bunion is an enlargment of the bone. It is also know as Hallux Valgus. This is a deformity of the bone involving the big toe and the foot. This deformity can be vary painful. A bunion is a bump at the joint of the big toe.

Growth of bursa in big toe?


Name something that grow on your feet?

Toe's, toe nails, bunion's, blisters.

Where is the bunion founded on the human body?

A bunion is an unnatural, bony hump that forms at the base of the big toe where it attaches to the foot. Often, the big toe deviates toward the other toes. When this occurs, the base of the big toe pushes outward on the first metatarsal bone -- which is the bone directly behind the big toe -- forming a bunion.

What exactly entails bunion surgery?

The doctors will operate on the ligands and tendons around the big toe, along with the bones of the surrounding toes too. It aims to alleviate the stresses put on the bug toe due to malformed growth.

When is surgery recommended to correct a bunion?

A bunion is a painful swelling on the first joint of the big toe, usually causing the big toe to point inwards towards the other toes. Although the exact cause is not known, it is believed that family history and wearing poorly fitting shoes can both be held accountable. Surgery is generally only recommended when the bunion prevents the sufferer from wearing normal shoes. The results are not drastic and do not generally improve the overall look of the foot and therefore should not be considered purely for cosmetic reasons.

Are there any surgeries to correct ugly feet?

Yes. Although not terribly popular, some surgeons do perform toe tucks to make the pinky toe thinner, or toe slimming to remove fatty deposits on toes, or even surgeries to shorten the second toes. Beyond basic cosmetic surgery, bunion removal or ingrown toenail repair may help to beautify ugly feet.

Can a bunion form on the top of the toe?


What is the ICD-9CM code for bunion plus right big toe?


How can a person relieve the pain caused by a bunion?

You can get relief from bunion pain by wearing a bunion corrector. Experts said it eases the pain and inflammation produced by a bunion. Also, one can wear this on heels, shoes, and when doing exercises.

What happens to the bursa sac when a bunion forms?

When a bunion forms, this sac becomes inflamed and thickened. The swelling in the joint causes additional pain and pressure in the toe.