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Not if they are thin by nature. The menstruation can be delayed or stay away of you starve yourself or lose or gain weight quickly but not if you are healthy.

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Q: Do thin girls start their periods later?
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You are 14 and had your period once when you were twelve it lasted 8 days and never came back is there something wrong with you?

There is nothing wrong with you. It is very normal for young girls to have very irregular periods when they first start their cycle. However going 2 years without a period is a little exteme and it may be that the bleeding at age 12 wasn't a period but was related to something else, although vaginal bleeding for 8 days is most likely a period, but cannot be confirmed 100%. Girls start their periods at all different ages. Some girls start as young as 8 years old and other start as old as 18 years old, so anywhere in between in normal. There are a lot of factors that determine when a girl starts her period and if it is normal or not. Girls usually need to weigh about 100 pounds to start having their period regularly so if someone does not weigh a lot and is very thin as a teen ager they may start their period later and also a very young girl who is overweight may start earlier. Other things that affect when someone starts a period and what their periods are like are at what age their mothers started and also girls that are very athletic tend to have irregular periods and sometimes start and then stop for a while. After a while a girl will have her period once every 28 or 30 days and their period will last anywhere from 3-8 days. A period may be missed occasionally even once a girl has been regular as many things can affect our bodies such as stress etc. Stress can cause a person with regular periods to skip a period once in a while and so can hormone changes. As with any concerns girls can always ask their parents for help and if they are not comfortable asking a parent questions about their bodies then they can seek the help of a teacher of other trusted adult. If there are any concerns that something may be wrong physically a person should always talk to a doctor. Doctors can help young girls even if they don't have their parents involved and doctors always keep anything they are asked or discuss with their patient total private between the patient and the doctor.

How many teen school girls do not wear panties to school?

I thin lot of girls do not wear.

What kind of rainbows do you like for girls Ex Thin or thick strap and What color?

thin and make it a rainbow tiger

Do girls like thin guys?

It doesn't really matter for most girls. Girls like boys with personality . If you be yourself girls will like you , not because of your looks. But you cant expect all girls to like you , everyone is different

Do girls with thin faces look cool?

Coolness is not rated on whether your face is thin or not. It's a state of mind - your personality.

Does Justin beiber like thick girls?

I dont think he does because most of the girls he dates are thin and skinny.

Does Chris Brown like thin girls age 17?

yes he does

Are missed periods normal?

If you are young, very thin, have been very sick, are nearing menopause or pregnant they are.

You're 14 and got your first period in April its now June and your not pregnant what could the problem be?

It generally takes at least a year before periods start becoming regular when you first start. As long as you are not sexually active don't worry about having them "on time" it takes awhile for our bodies to figure out what "on time" means. Some women don't have regular cycles until they are in their 20's. When they start coming more regular, it doesn't take much to throw it off again, stress illness, dieting or extreme exercise aimed at losing weight too fast will all make a period late. Girls who have a little meat on their bones generally are more regular than girls who are very thin or girls who are very athletic. If it is really a nuisance never knowing when you are going to start or if your periods are very heavy or cause a lot of cramping - after 6 months or so you could see a Gynecologist and be put on a low dose of hormones to get your cycle into a regular rhythm, they will come every 28 days. The trouble with doing this is more than likely when you decide to stop taking the pill you will spend a few months being irregular all over again. So you need to weigh the benefit now with the possible trouble later.