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Ticks engage in "questing" where they hold on to leaves or grass with their back legs and extend their front legs into the air. They grab onto the first animal/human/dog that walks by.

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It's simple. They crawl up the trees.

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Q: Do ticks live in trees or grass?
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Do ticks live in groups?

I think ticks travel in groups

Do ticks live in the coniferous forest?

Well, let's follow this line of reasoning. Deer ticks cause Lyme disease,deer live in the forest with coniferous trees, the ticks live on the deer, so I would say yes.

Do cats get fleas or ticks from grass?

It's possible for a cat to get fleas and ticks from grass just like it's possible for US to get fleas and ticks from grass

Where do deer ticks live?

Deer ticks live on grass, trees, and bushes. So it's really easy to get them. When you brush against grass, trees, and bushes you might get a deer tick which can give you lyme disease. A safe way to get them them off is with tweezers and rub acholl on it after getting them off. There female and male deer ticks. Female deer ticks are the most dangerous. You can tell if they are male or female by looking at them. If they have red on its bottom, then it's a female. If it is all black, then it's a male. Don't panic if you get a deer tick. Just pull it off and you will be fine.

Where do catapillers live?

They live in trees plants and or grass.

Do chameleons live in grass land?

They do live in East Africa where there are grass lands, but chameleons are adapted to live in trees or shrubs not grass.

Where do ticks live?

The ground can be considered the home in which ticks live. Eggs, laid on the ground by females, hatch into larvae, which feed and molt into nymphs on the ground. Sandy soil in a landscape of deer, hardwood trees, and water provide an ideal habitat for ticks to live and thrive.

Where does the mockingbird live?

Many of them lives on trees and some of them live on the grass.

What kinds of plants live in the forest?


Where do ladbybugs live?

ladybugs can live in grass, leaves trees anywhere really :)

Where do the rabbits live?

RAbbits usually live anywhere where there is grass and trees and bushes.

What makes dogs to have ticks?

they get them from other animals or whatever else they come in contact or close contact with. ticks i believe are like fleas and can jump great distances to get to the dog so just from being outside or around other animals, they can get them.Dogs get ticks from many places the most common that I know/heard of areforestscamp sitesgrassother tick infested dogs/animals that are pets& wild animalsplaces like:grassy and weedy area's in the spring and summer ONLY have many tics