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Yes. Yes they do a lot so if you want to know anything else about tigers please contact me at

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Q: Do tigers like to swim and often lie in water to cool off?
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Related questions

What is a Bengal tigers favorite thing to do?

Bengal tigers like to cool off in a pool of water.

Do tigers like to swim and often lie in water to cool off on a hot day?

Even tigers are cats they do love to swim in water. This is because since they live in hot climates they need to keep cool. (Also they have a big coat on their backs which doesnt help).

Why do white tigers like the rain so much?

Tigers by nature enjoy water and are even known to swim across rivers and underneath water to catch prey. White tigers, like most tigers in general, will go out in the rain to cool off.

Why are white tigers good swimmers?

Tigers, as a species, like being in water - usually to cool down during the hottest part of the day.

Why you love tigers?

I love tigers because they are nice and cool animals. They are very good at hunting to that is why I like tigers I LOVE THem

Does a tiger cool off in a river?

yes tigers are one of the only big cats that like to swim or cool off in the river

How do Bengal Tigers keep cool?

Tigers can live in hot swamps, so they keep cool by spending time in water, since they are excellent swimmers. They are among the only in the cat family to like water.

Why do tigers like to swim so much?

Tigers like to swim as it keeps them cool. It also gives them a break from 'ordinary' life.

Can Siberian tigers swim in water?

All tigers like water, and swim well.

Do tigers like apples?

tigers can climb trees but they tend not to and they don't really like it usally when they are chasing leopards. that's cool

Why do tigers like the cold and the water?

It depends on the Tiger. Some Tigers do, some Tigers don't.

What are the design features of a tiger?

1. Every tiger in the world are all unique - No two tigers have the same pattern of stripes.2. Unlike the other members of the cat family, tigers like water.(they are good swimmers too.)They often cool themselves in streams, ponds…3. They may be big and heavy, but tigers are quite fast. In fact, at full speed they can reach up to 65km/h!