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Tigers always mark and defend their territory.
A male tiger generally has territory of up to 60 square miles, but the size depends on rival tigers and the availability of food. Tigers scratch trees, leave droppings and leave scent markings to define the boundary. These territory markings tell other tigers the size and gender of the tiger living there.Tigers prefer to hunt alone, that way they can rely on their own hunting skills to get enough nourishment. Even though they hunt by themselves, they will usually share their food with others. Tigers are most likely to hunt in the late afternoon to nighttime. Tigers usually hunt large prey. They will hunt wild pigs and deer, also small prey like monkeys and frogs. Hunting is hard work. A tiger may stalk 20 animals, before it finally catches one. But then the tiger rests for a few days, because tigers only have to hunt about once a week.

You may think that tigers can run for a long period of time, but the fact is tigers are not built for long-distance running. Most of their prey can out run them. The way they attack their prey is first, they'll camouflage themselves in bushes or grass then, sneak up on the prey with its belly dragging on the grass. Finally, they'll attack with a burst of power and speed. The animal's dead body is called a carcass.

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7y ago

Tigers are, generally, solitary animals and only a female with cubs will travel with her family of offspring.

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Do tigers live in a pride?

Tigers are solitary animals, and only come together to mate. The only instance in which there would be a group of tigers in the wild is when a mother is with her cubs, but even these will go their separate ways once the cubs are independent.

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Only in captivity. Tigers are Asian animals.

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