

Do toad fish swell up

Updated: 4/28/2022
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Q: Do toad fish swell up
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Did people put Toads on lumps if you had the black death?

Yes, they were put on burn boils which meant the pain would swell up and soak into the toad.

Is a toad a fish?

Absolutely! Boil it whole!

Is the golden toad a reptile or fish?

Neither. Toads are amphibians.

What types of fish are not safe to eat?

Mainly the fishes which are poisonous , very small [ with a body made up of fins ], having more bones , having spines over the body , etc are not suitable for eating . Eg: Puffer Fish, Toad Fish

How do you make your nipples swell up?

your nipples often swell up when you are cold, and often tickling them helps

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It's a stage called staring at the fish

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it is the doings of the hairless toad fish

Who besides fish use gills?

i think a toad, tadpole, frog, etc. or a salamander

Why do pelicans glide over breaking waves at the waters surface?

To catch any fish that happened to be swimming near the water's surface that got swept up by the swell.

Why do dried pulses kept in water swell up after sometime?

Because they absorb the water they're in - which makes them swell up.

Can a human pick up a fire belly toad?

Depends on how much the toad weighs brotha.

Are toad fish and toadies the same thing?

Toadies or Toady (singular) in short are followers. Think Harry Potter's Draco Malfoy. Every bully has his toadies. Malfoy's toadies are Crabbe and Goyle. Toadies are also a rock band from Fort Worth, Texas. Toad Fish or Toadfish is just that. A fish.