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Maybe, maybe not. Hopefully (hope, as in for the survival of the species) the species can both evolve traits that make it more suitable for a mate and evolve traits that will increase fitness. But this isn't always the case. Take the peacock for example. That huge tail is a beacon for predators, yet the bigger the better for mating. Because peacocks continue to have these huge tails, we can only conclude that its benefits in attracting a mate has outweighed any negative predatory effects.

Other times, the traits acquired as a result of sex selection have no effect on relative fitness; rarely beneficial.

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Q: Do traits acted upon by sexual selection have anything to do with fitness?
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Why are the traits that increase an individual's fitness more likely to be reproduced?

if they promote survival and reproduction.

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sexual selection

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Describe three patterns of natural selection on polygenic traits Which one leads to two distinct phenotypes?

One pattern of natural selection polygenic traits is directional selection, in which one end of the spectrum leads to increased fitness and the other end decreased fitness. Disruptive selection is when both ends of the spectrum lead to increased fitness and the middle leads to decreased fitness and it leads to two distinct phenotypes being selected for. It's opposite is stabilizing selection, in which the middle has the best fitness and the two extremes have decreased fitness.

Explain the difference between artificial and natural selection?

Artificial selection is anthropogenic -- humans interfere with nature to determine what traits get passed on, whereas natural selection is when through sexual reproduction the traits passed on are determined by survival of the fittest.

Is natural selection responsible for inherited traits?

no, inherited traits are responsible for natural selection

What is selection of traits?

selection of traits is where you select what you want to your baby to or not too look like

Does sexual selection lead to violence?

Sexual selection, which is the process by which certain traits are favored for reproduction, can indeed lead to violence in some species. In some cases, competition over mates can result in aggressive behaviors such as fighting or intimidation. However, it is important to note that not all forms of sexual selection result in violence, and many species have alternative strategies for mate selection that do not involve aggression.

What is sexual selection a form of?

Sexual selection is a concept that can be considered a subset of natural selection. In sexual selection, only the traits that lead to mating success will be passed on to the next generation. In other words, only the males with certain characteristics (most often strength and physical attractiveness) will have the opportunity to mate with the females and pass on their genetic information. Certain males are chosen by the females if they are considered to have superior genetic characteristics that will ensure optimal fitness for their offspring. Thus, the weak or unattractive males will not be able to reproduce. Mating rituals vary throughout the animal species, but they often include competition between the males and physical displays. Sometimes, in social animals who live in groups, the alpha male who has proven himself to be superior to the other males of the group will be the only one who is allowed to mate with the females. Sexual selection has resulted in the physical dimorphism between males and females of many species. Males sometimes have larger, more exaggerated, or more colorful physical characteristics, in order to impress the females or for use in mating competitions. A prime example of sexual selection is found in the peafowl. Only the male peacocks have the bright, blue-green plumage that is used to attract female mates. Female peahens have no use for them, so they are a dull brown or grey color.

How do differences between individuals and environments affect natural selection?

Differences between individuals may affect differences in their average reproductive success, causing the variant traits of individuals that have greater reproductive success (fitness) to become more prevalent in a given environment than rival traits. As environments change, so may the traits that have a reproductive advantage change. This is natural selection.

How are artificial selection and natural selection similar?

Natural selection and artificial selection both involve an organism's traits being determined by how much they're favored. Then, the organisms with favorable traits pass those traits on to future generations.However, natural selection is caused by survival; the organisms with traits that increase their chances for survival and reproduction pass on their traits. As for artificial selection, humans purposefully decide which traits (like the most colorful one) of an organism to pass on.The similarity of artificial selection and natural selection is that they both can cause changes in the frequency of population.

What is mass selection in plant breeding?

because mass selection is crossing plants with desirable traits , controlled breeding is mating organism to produce offspring with certain traits DESIRABLE TRAITS = CERTAIN TRAITS so mass selection is consider a form of controlled breeding