

Do turtles eat moss

Updated: 4/28/2022
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13y ago

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Yes, yes they do

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Q: Do turtles eat moss
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What eats moss in the forest?

bacteria! usually bacteria eats algie. But if moss contains algie then little bits of moss fall into its mouth. sometimes, the lithosome also can digest the moss but other germs can so.... :) hope that helped haha..:) i am such a nerd!! :/ haha

Do penguin eat moss?

No. Penguins do not eat moss. They are carnivores.

What do 2 faced turtles eat?

they eat whatever turtles eat.

What sea turtles eat and what eats it?

Well, sea turtles eat plants and seat turtles eat meatBest answer:Sharks or tiger sharks eat sea turtles

Do flat fish eat moss?

NO flat fishes eat smaller animals but they don't eat moss

Will large turtles eat smaller turtles?

Yes, many turtles, especially the carnivorous species such as snapping turtles, will eat smaller turtles.

How does sphagnum moss eat?

Sphagnum moss does not have the ability to "eat" in the way animals do. Instead, it obtains nutrients from the environment through its leaves, which can absorb essential minerals and water from the surrounding soil and air. The moss also relies on symbiotic relationships with bacteria and fungi to help it obtain nutrients.

What animals eat Arctic moss?

There are various animals that eat arctic moss. For example, it is eaten by many different kinds of migratory birds.

Do snakes eat turtles?

Most turtles do not eat snakes as most of them are vegetarians. Snakes do not eat turtles either because of their hard shell. However, snapping turtles are omnivores and will gladly eat any snake they can catch in their tough, powerful jaws.

Could pet turtles eat in the dark?

yes turtles can eat in the dark.. that is how they survive... yes turtles can eat in the dark.. that is how they survive...

What animals eat moss in the tundra?

you should know