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Not all the time

if they do and look the sane then they're idendentical twins, if they look totally opposite they they're fraternal twins

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Q: Do twins have to have the same color hair?
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Do indentical twins have the same hair colour?

Yes - they are genetically identical, which includes hair color. They can of course dye their hair, however.

Can identical twins have different natural hair colours?

Identical twins will have the same color hair, as it grows form the scalp. But if one stands out in the sun, and the other does not, the hair of the one may be naturally lightened; there are other ways the hair color can be altered naturally.

What color is bum fluff?

Facial hair has no smell and it is the same colour as the hair on your head.

What hair color do you use on red hair ti get burgundy hair color?

You can mix colors up as in purple and a red color from sally's and the same colorline.

What are facts about twins?

Same (or mostly the same) facial features ("looks"), same blood type, and same eye color.

Did kendall schmdit dye his hair?

Yes he did. You can tell because his eyebrows are not the same color as his hair. His eyebrows are brown but his hair is blond with brown streaks. They should be the same color.

How do you color short hair?

same procedure as you would with long hair.

Is there a chance that your baby's hair can be the same color as your dyed hair?

Yes and No. Yes- if the color your hair is dyed is a naturally occurring hair color, there is a chance that your child may have that hair color. No- Your baby's hair will never turn the color of your hair BECAUSE you dyed it. The dye will not change your genetic makeup.

Is hair mascara the same as regular mascara?

no Hair mascara is like hair color

Why does identical twins not have the same weight and Skin colour?

Eye colour is caused by genetics whereas the weight of a person depends on how they life their life (how healthily they eat or how much exercise they do) so it is an environmental variation. Identical twins have the same genes so have the same eye colour.

What are facts about identical twins?

Same (or mostly the same) facial features ("looks"), same blood type, and same eye color.

How does the omg girlz get the hair color?

they dyed their hair the same colour as their weave