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Too much stress can cause migraine thus increasing hydrochloric acid causing ulcer in the stomach.

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Q: Do ulcers and migraines have anything to do with one another?
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Does potatoes and meats help migrains?

Different foods trigger migraines for different people. While the carbohydrates and b vitamins in potatoes and meats might be terrible for one person's migraines, they may help another person's migraines.

Does high fructose corn syrup cause migraines?

Anything can trigger a migraine. HFCS is a common one according to my doctor Corn is a very common food allergy - if you are allergic to corn, the HFCS could trigger your migraines. An allergist can test your blood for food allergies. It is a less well known fact that food allergies can be behind many migraines.

Can epilepsy cause the patient to suffer migraine symptoms?

Yes. People with seizure disorders often state they see or feel an "aura." Seizure aura can be similar to migraine aura, or they can vary widely - having to do more with feeling a certain feeling like fear or deja vu. There is a specific type of migraine variant called Migralepsy, during which patients with experience both migraine and seizures. For some people, the migraine is almost a warning sign of impending seizure.

What is a zero-sum game philoshy?

The idea that anything that one "player" wins, another one loses, and vice versa.The idea that anything that one "player" wins, another one loses, and vice versa.The idea that anything that one "player" wins, another one loses, and vice versa.The idea that anything that one "player" wins, another one loses, and vice versa.

Can both genders get migraines?

Yep, I've had one :)

Why is it more likely for women to get migraines then men?

Because one of the triggers which can cause migraines are the hormones which change during the menstrual cycle.

Can lisinopril be taken for migraines?

Lisinopril can be taken for migraines, however it will not stop a migraine attack...Lisinopril is prescribed for many things, and one of them is a type of migraine prevention.....lisinopril is prescribed as a preventive drug for migraines as well as propanolol, or inderol. another medicine that can be prescribed for migraine prevention is gabamentin (neurontin). I am a cluster migraine sufferer and I have used all listed in prevention of migraines....keep in mind that lisinopril and propanolol and inderol are also hypertension meds and control high blood pressure.

Can you have a one sided migraine?

With most migraines, the pain is on one side of the head.

What is a one side migraine without aura?

Most migraines are one-sided.

How can one prevent migraines?

One can prevent migraines by drinking a lot of water to stay well hydrated, by staying clear of drinks or snacks that contain caffeine and by getting into a regular sleep schedule. In addition, regular exercise and avoiding consumption of alcohol contributes to preventing migraines.

What disease you may get when not wearing slippers or shoes?

One can get "Foot Ulcers", it is very painfull having these ulcers removed.

The causes of migraines for women are?

Many things cause migraines. Diet is one factor. Foods like cheese, chocolate, coffee, and other foods that contain caffeine can cause migraines. I am a migraine sufferer myself, and have found that playing video games, watching television or using the computer for long periods of time, can also trigger a migraine. Also, Migraine suffering can run in families. My father suffers from migraines and, consequently, I to suffer from them. Stress is another thing. If you've had a hectic day at work or school, or your feeling stressed, that can cause migraines. I hope I've been of some help.