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Yes, urine stains do come out of hardwood laminate floors. With a good cleaning, you should be able to remove anything out of laminate floors. That's why is there so widely used.

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Q: Do urine stains come out of hardwood laminate floors?
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Related questions

How do you remove cat urine stains from hardwood floors?

Wash the floors REALLY REALLY good.

Does vinegar and baking soda remove urine stains from hardwood floors?

yes but don't use bleach on urine

How do you remove pet odors from hardwood floors?

urine off

Is there a mixture using hydrogen peroxide to clean dark urine stains on a hardwood floor?

There is no mixture using hydrogen peroxide to clean dark urine stains on a hardwood floor. However, you can dip a rag into hydrogen peroxide and allow it to sit on the stain for about 10 minutes.

How do you remove urine odor from hardwood floors?

Hard wood floor cleaner then spray on floor then wipe uo

How do you remove pet urine from hardwood floors?

Wash the floor with a 50/50 mixture of vinegar & water. As the floor dries, the vinegar smell will dissipate along with the smell of urine.

How do you clean a rabbit urine stain off of hardwood floors?

Try 5 different types of bleach and a lot of elbow grease. It worked for me.

How do you remove dog urine?

I recommend Nature's Miracle. It works on my hardwood floors, rugs and carpet great! It will be more effective if you let it sit for a while, though.

Why can't you use bleach on pet urine on hardwood floors?

Urine has ammonia in it. Mixing bleach and ammonia creates a deadly gas. A young woman was in a nearly killed and spent several days in a coma after cleaning the kitty litter box with bleach.

What would pet urine damage on laminate floor look like?

Any liquid has the potential to de-laminate products like this. Urine will soak into the wood and be permanent. A blacklight will make cat urine glow.

Why does your urine stains?

Urine stains because it contains some waste matters from the body, eg, urea, salt and some form of smells

Does baking powder help with urine stains?
