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There is no evidence of the existence of vampires, other than vampire bats. Most people consider them mythological creatures and, as such, do not exist.

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Q: Do vampires nails grow when their teeth grow?
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Can vampires get moustaches?

Yes, hair and nails still grow for a while after death so I don't see why they can't grow a moustache or beard.

How do vampires get their fangs out to drink blood?

Some say their fangs are short but pointy and remain out. Others say that it's like an erection. You get in the mood and the teeth lengthen. How the teeth actually grow... I dunno.

How long can vampires teeth go up to?

Vampires don't exist.

What do tigers use nails and teeth for?

Tigers use teeth and nails to catch their prey and to defend themselves.

Will nails grow if you cuticles are pushed back?

No your nails wont grow

What causes white stripes on teeth and nails?

lack of calcium in your body causes white stripes on teeth and nails.

Why the nails grow?

Your nails protect your skin under your nails.

Do thumb nails grow slower then finger nails?

I believe they grow faster.

Can your nails grow in 1hour?

Nails grow yes they do grow in an hour albeit not perceptibly.

what does not fit skin hair nails and teeth?

Teeth. Skin, hair and nails are all formed from a layer called the dermis.

Do your nails grow faster after you cut them?

your nails will grow at the same rate if you cut them but if you want to make them longer you can put your nails in chlorine for 5 minutes a day to make them longer.

Why do nails grow faster at the beach?

nails grow faster at the beach because salt water[ocean water] makes your nails irich and that helps them grow faster