

Do vampires really exist in this world now also?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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12y ago

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no i don't think so but maybe! lol

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Q: Do vampires really exist in this world now also?
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Do the vampires really exist?

YES! And they're all looking for love and want to share their love with a girl who's also best friends with a werewolf, but doesn't know it yet.

What unique powers do vampires have?

Vampires have super strength and super speed. They also have really good smelling. They have really sharp teeth. They heal very quickly.Some vampires have special talents of there own.

Is there any vampires named Alyssa?

Well since vampires are NOT real then no. But if you want to think that vampires are real (But they are NOT!!) Then you can. You can also make your own vampire and name it Alyssa if you are REALLY into vampires!!

Does the vampires exist now?

Loads of people all over the world say that vampires are just myths or legends but those people are just hiding the pain of which vampires have struck. Also many people say that the possibility of vampires existing is impossible but what proof do they have when we have shown that they do exist especially when me, and most of my friends can turn our eyes black and show the world our fangs because everyone turns a blind eye and thinks 'oh, its only a madman who killed this person', when we are flying across Europe and no one can see us!

Is there any prooof of vampires?

Yes! I believe in Vampires! To my extent they do exist! With the many people around you, you may never know who is a vampire. And, you never can tell if they are. They may live in the countries of Transylvania, but they could also be in the United States. You never know. So, they do exist. I believe in them. Don't get me wrong, but they do exist.

Do vampires live in Texas?

No they don't live in Texas because well for a start its to sunny there and also they don't exist

Did vampire live in earth now also?

it is believed that vampires still exist, but mostly in bushland far from humans.

Do people really think there are vampires?

I dont, but I sometimes want to because to be a vampire sounds hot, attractive, mysterous, but also can be very weird. But yes some people really think there are vampires!!

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Of course he does!! If you are crazy, in your world he does exist!! (Flying pigs also exist! ONLY IN YOUR WORLD!!)

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vampires do exist, but there are no half vampires. vampires are not like they are in the films, they don't 'sparkle' have super-speed or strength, they are not immortal and they don't turn into bats. they are just like humans only they drink blood. drinking blood to vampires is like food to humans, they can also survive on normal food to.

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yes it does and you're really stupid for asking that question..lights also exist in space!! but i would prefer if you asked the question do colours really exist now that's a logical question which many of us are wondering.

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