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Q: Do vegetables turn into sugar in your body?
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Why does cooked vegetables turn brown?

My best guess is that some of the sugar inside the vegetables caramelizes with the heat, turning the vegetables brown.

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i has this speacail stuff that make it turn in to sugar its in there body.

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What is a sentence for chemical energy?

Vegetables and fruits turn into chemical energy for your body.

Why are vegetables good for your body?

Vegetables are good for the body because they contain a lot of integral vitamins and minerals. Also, being plants, vegetables have a very complex sugar construction, and it therefore takes the body longer to break it down, resulting in slow releasing energy.

Do most white foods you eat turn into sugar in your body?

No, because not all white foods contain sugar so how could they turn into sugar if they contain none.

Does caffeine turn into sugar?

No, it does stimulate the release of insulin, which burns available sugars in the body.

Does salt turn into sugar in the body?

No, salt is sodium chloride while sugar is a complex organic molecule made of carbons, hydrogens and oxygens. It is chemically impossible for salt to turn into sugar.

What will carbs do?

Carbs turn into sugar and that is what your body runs on for energy then it stores the leftover sugar and turns into fat, so if u take carbs out of your diet your body needs something else to run on. So it will start burning your body fat and turn it into energy.

Which is better fruits or vegetables?

vegetables because vegetables has more vitamins and minerals and less sugar and fruit has a little bit more sugar than vegetables and some fruits don't have ALL the vitamins and minerals but vegetables do.

How fattening is white sugar?

It's not as much about the sugar itself - it's about how much of it you eat. Sugar contains a lot of energy that your body can use, but if you don't use it up your body will turn it into fat and store it instead.

Does Bacardi rum turn into sugar after it's in your body?

No sugar or carbs in Rum (unless flavored) Stay away from flavored Rum's.