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Q: Do vegetarians produce more poop than meat-eaters?
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Related questions

Is poop flammable?

No. But the gas (methane) that Poop or foodwaste produce is flammable.

How much poop does the sun produce?


What are the three economic questions that every country must answer?

What to produce. How to produce. and How much to produce.

Why does your plecostomus poop a lot?

They poop more the more they are fed. If you have a lot of algae they will poop more often because they will eat more. Everything has to poop out what it eats eventually.

How much poop do we produce in a year?

100 trucks

Why do cats poop why do i poop?

Poop (feces) are the waste products of digestion and certain parts of cell respiration. The food people and animals (including cats) eat is not completely utilized in the digestion process and it passes out of the intestinal tract in the form of poop! The less efficient the animal at digesting it's food the more feces it produces...that's why cows, horses and other animals produce a lot more poop than other animals.

Does people's big butts produce big poop?

No, they could do but not especially.

How much pounds of poop does an elephant produce in a day?

Asian elephants produce about 100 to 500. Africans are similar.

Why does poop sink?

Poop stinks depending on how much bacteria is in it. The more bacteria in your poop, the smellier.

Where Poop!do you poop?

The toilet, a dunny, heaps more places. Or in nature.

Why is poop stink?

The bacteria in feces produce methane gases or sulfur containing gases

What do you do while sex if you have to poop?

well you have more and more and more sex and then give the guy a blow job to help get your mind of having to poop