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Video Game Violence
  • Yes. That doesn't mean that everyone that plays one will become violent. It has been proven that it does influence some persons. they don't because Grand Theft Auto 4 is the bomb i can see why they change their behavior
  • By exposing yourself to violent Video Games, you will soon think the same way and become a violent person.
  • No. Violent people are more drawn to violent video games, but are not a cause.
  • It depends on the person. If you play violent games on occation for recreational purposes, most likely you will not be affected by the nature of the game. However if you expose yourself to anything for long periods of time you will eventially start to evolve into that persona. Maybe not physically, but mentally.
  • Music is the same, take ICP for example.. Many juggalos are violent, but they listen to the music religiously and have adapted to it's graphic nature. It's not a bad thing, just a fact.hello

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Only if you are sensitive, easily manipulated, or just plain stupid enough to repeat whatever you see.

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Q: Do video games cause violent behavior?
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Rarely, but yes.

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They simply don't cause violent behavior. No evidence proves a link between violent video games and violent behavior. Video games are mainly used for stress release and entertainment, so if anything, they prevent violent behavior.

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