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Q: Do virus pickup and carry genes from their host cells?
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Why are viruses used in gene theropy?

viruses are used in gene therapy because they can introduct genes into host cels.Viruses are manipuölated to carry genes that will be introducted to defected cell.Viruses dont carry genes that can brign to illnes or that can kill cells.

How millions of T4 lymphocytes get infected with the virus if only 1 gets into the body?

The Strand of genes is inserted into the cells DNA. This causes the cells to replicate the virus

What are the viral genes for?

to produce copies of the virus once inside the host cell

How does gene therapy works?

Gene therapy is the addition of new genes to a patient's cells to replace missing or malfunctioning genes. Researchers typically do this using a virus to carry the genetic cargo into cells, because that's what viruses evolved to do with their own genetic material.

What is the difference between the white and red blood cells?

red blood cells carry oxygen white blood cells attacks virus

In gene therapy how are the genes inserted?

Working genes have been inserted into defective cells during gene therapy by first isolating a copy of the gene. Next, the working genes are planted onto a cold virus and as the cold virus infects cells, it also begins producing functional CF protein. Since the cells are "cured", they are able to transport chloride ions across their plasma membranes.

How is viral genetic material inserted into animal cells-?

the entire virus is engulfed through phagocytosis.

How many genes are found inside a human influenza virus?

eight genes are present in h1n1 virus

Which description of a virus is correct?

A virus has no cell structure, but it has genes :)

Can a virus have cells?

No, a virus cannot have cells.

Why is cold virus different from chickenpox?

because the cold virus changes it's so called genes and appearance every year or so and you're white blood cells do not recognise the cold virus. hence why you get the cold almost every year, sometimes more

What Are not made up of cells they also do not carry out all life processes many biologists do not coonsider them true living things?
