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Q: Do volcanoes impact both air and land of the surrounding environment?
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Related questions

What is the best definition of the term environment?

Environment means ones surrounding and it is the sum of social, economical, biological, physical and chemical factors which constitute the surrounding of human being who is both the creator and moulder of his environment

Does a volcano have an impact on the environment or humans?

A volcano has an impact on both the environment and humans. It has an impact on the environment because it would kill all of the plants and scorch the Earth. It would have an impact on humans because if a human civilization lived there, it would wipe out their whole city.

Negative impacts of tourism on environment?

Tourism has an enormous negative impact on the environment, both natural and man-made.

What are the positive impacts of tourism in Stonehenge on both people and the environment?

In general, the positive impact of tourism in Stonehenge, regarding people and the environment, is the same as for any other tourist mecca: an increase in jobs. Stonehenge is currently undergoing an Environmental Improvements Programme. This program was originally designed to assess the impact ot tourism on Stonhenge, the surrounding area, and the people who live there.

How has fire ants impacted the environment both direct impact and indirect from eradication efforts?

Fire ants have impacted both directly and indirectly from eradication efforts. Fire ants have had a direct impact on the environment in the sense that ecological diversity is decreased when they are targeted and removed.

Analogies for a cell wall?

a layer encasing the cell, both providing a sheild from the surrounding the environment and supporting cell shape.

What is positive sports environment?

The relationship between sport and the environment includes both the impact of the sport on thr environment and the impact of the environment on sports. Environmentally sustainable manner, a healthy environment is necessary for health sports.

How were the ways the Aztec and Inca modified their environment similar?

Both the Aztec and Inca modified their environment by building extensive agricultural terraces on mountain slopes to maximize arable land for farming. They also constructed intricate irrigation systems to support their agricultural production. Additionally, both civilizations built elaborate networks of roads and causeways to facilitate trade and communication across their empires.

What material that has both a positive and a negative impact on the environment?

Plastic pollutes but at the same time it stops the cutting down of trees

How does human environment impact the natural world both positively and negatively?

positive because humans it help the environment and negative because some human being just abuse it

Does a tornado have an impact on environment or humans?

A tornado has an impact on both the environment and humans. Though the impact on humans is more noticeable. Environmental impacts include the destruction of vegetation and animal habitats as well as the deaths of some animals. Similarly tornadoes can damage or destroy human property and kill or injure humans.

How are active volcanoes and dormant alike?

Active volcanoes and dormant volcanoes both have a likely chance to erupt and have erupted in the past.