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Q: Do waves of more light carry more Energy?
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Does short-wavelength light carry more energy or less energy than long-wavelength light?

The shorter the wavelength, the higher the frequency, and the higher the energy, so X-rays carry more energy than radio waves.

Do light waves carry electrical and magnetic energy?

While it is not known for certain, it appears that light carries both electrical and magnetic energy. More study and research is needed.

What are the waves called that have more energy than light you can see?

Sound because it has more waves than light.

Why do waves of large amplitude carry more energy?

Because their mass is greater than smaller waves, therefore they contain more energy.

What waves of radiation have more energy than waves of radiation that you can see?

Ultraviolet light, x-rays, and gamma rays carry more energy than visible light. (That's why ultraviolet light does nasty things to skin cells, and x-rays and gamma rays can penetrate solids.)

If wave amplitudes are equal will high-frequency waves carry more or less energy than low-frequency waves?

if wave amplitudes are equal ,will high frequency waves carry more or less energy than low frequency waves

What is the term for energy that is transferred in the form of rays or waves?

Electromagnetic energy is transferred by waves. This includes radio waves, microwaves, infrared, visible light, x-rays, and more. Waves can also be found in matter, like sound waves or ocean waves. Mechanical waves like these carry energy as well. However, electromagnetic waves do not need matter to travel.

Waves with the greater amplitudes carry MORE OR LESS energy than waves with smaller amplitudes?

Wave with higher amplitude carry more energy than wave with lower amplitude. For simple consideration, no amplitude is no wave and thus no energy but just a flat surface of water. Wave with amplitude must have higher energy than the no wave.

What energy uses transverse waves?

Light Energy, Seismic Energy (Earthquakes) Many More ...

Which form of electromagnetic radiation has more energy than visible light waves have?

Ultraviolet (UV) radiation has more energy than visible light waves.

Why does a radio waves carry less energy than an ultraviolet wave?

From the equation E=hv where h= plank's constant v=frequency and ultraviolet waves has more frequency than radio waves hence ultraviolet waves have more energy.

Are waves that carry more energy closer together?

The physical situation differs, depending on what type of waves you are talking about. In the case of water waves, the energy is mainly related to the wave's amplitude - NOT to its frequency.