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Ultraviolet light, x-rays, and gamma rays carry more energy than visible light.

(That's why ultraviolet light does nasty things to skin cells, and x-rays and

gamma rays can penetrate solids.)

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Nothing on that list has much energy at all.

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Ultraviolet light ("black light") has.

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Q: What waves of radiation have more energy than waves of radiation that you can see?
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Do x ray radiation photons have more engery than infrared waves?

yes, x ray radiation photons have more energy than infrared waves

Which form of electromagnetic radiation has more energy than visible light waves have?

Ultraviolet (UV) radiation has more energy than visible light waves.

Explain why the energy of infrared waves is greater than the energy of radio waves?

The energy of infrared waves is greater than the energy of radio waves. This is because infrared waves has a smaller wavelength compared to radio waves. The smaller the wavelength, the higher the energy.

What are the waves from the sun called?

The energy radiated from the sun is in the form of electromagnetic radiation or electromagnetic waves. The waves are noticed on Earth as visible light, as ultra-violet (light that is at a higher frequency than we can see) and infra-red (light that is at a lower frequency than we can see). Although the radiation is far more than just the range of visible light, we normally refer to the radiation as "sunlight"

Do radio waves have more energy then microwaves?

Nope. Radio waves have a long wavelength, which causes them to carry little energy. For future questions about energy and waves, use the formula E=h(c/lambda). E is the energy of the wave, h is plank's constant, c is the speed of light (3x10^8), and lambda is the frequency. Have fun! ^_^

What are the waves called that have more energy than light you can see?

Sound because it has more waves than light.

What type of electromagnetic wave has highest energy a ultraviolet wave or an infrared wave?

Infrared radiation has a lower frequency than optical light as it is below the red end of the spectrum. "Infra" means below, making "infrared" meaning "below red. On the other hand, ultraviolet radiation has a higher frequency than optical light as it is above the violet end of the spectrum. "Ultra" means "above or greater", making ultraviolet meaning "above violet". The answer to your question would be: ultraviolet radiation has more electromagnetic energy than infrared radiation.

Why do waves of large amplitude carry more energy?

Because their mass is greater than smaller waves, therefore they contain more energy.

Would microwaves have a high or low penetrating ability relative to other em waves?

microwaves are more penetrative than gamma rays, UV radiation and visible light, but less so than radio waves.

Which property spells the difference between infrared and ultraviolet radiation?

Ultraviolet radiation means:ultraviolet: radiation lying in the ultraviolet range; wave lengths shorter than light but longer than X rays. Infrared radiation means: electromagnetic radiation with wavelengths longer than visible light but shorter than radio waves.

What types of waves carries the most energy?

Secondary seismic waves travel slower than primary waves but they are much more destructive. Thus it carries more energy.

Does more energy reach us through conduction or radiation?

Most of the solar energy we get comes through radiation. So we get more energy via radiation, than conduction.