

Do we get or helium from the sun?

Updated: 9/25/2023
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Q: Do we get or helium from the sun?
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Is there helium on the sun?

Yes. The Sun comprises about 25% helium. (24.8%)

What does helium have to do with the sun?

The sun is actively converting hydrogen to helium in its core and is roughly 23% helium. Helium was first discovered by examining sunlight.

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What is the origin of the name for helium?

Helium was first discovered in the sun spectroscopically. It get its name from the Greek word, Helios, meaning "the sun".

I know that the Sun burns hydrogen to create helium but what is the Sun doing with all of this helium What would happen if the sun had no helium And what role does helium play in making the sun hot?

Just like a fire is gradually cooling down,so the Sun is.Its hottest elements(hydrogen)become helium,which is COLDER

Helium was discovered in the sun before it was discovered on earth. How?

Helium was discovered in the sun specroscopically

What is origan of the name helium?

Helium was first discovered in the sun. the name helium is derived from the Greek word, Helios, meaning the sun.

Does helium mean the first?

Helium is derived from the Greek for the sun, helios, as it was discovered in the spectrum of the sun

The sun burns helium to make what other gas?

The sun burns small amounts of helium and when combined with oxygen, the helium makes neon. The sun burns mostly hydrogen.

The sun burns hydrogenate an helium to make what?

The sun fuses hydrogen to make helium. It will be several billion years before the sun fuses helium to make heavier elements.

Is the sun made out of lemens?

The sun is not made out of lemens. The sun is bearly made out of anything! The sun contains helium and hydrogen.Hydrogen - 92%Helium - 8%

What does the sun turn into helium?

If you are asking "how helium formed the sun?" then for your information, sun and all the stars are formed mostly from Hydrogen. And if you are asking "How helium is formed in the sun?", the answer is that the Hydrogen in the sun fuses in itself(that's where from the sun get's its energy and luminosity) producing variety of elements like helium, carbon oxygen,iron etc.