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Q: Do we have too much CO2 in the atmosphere?
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How does too much CO2 in the atmosphere effect the climate?

CO2 is a greenhouse gas. Too much CO2 in the atmosphere will make the climate hotter because it acts like a 'greenhouse' or blanket as it insulates heat in the atmosphere. CO2 allows heat to pass into the atmosphere but it doesn't allow heat to pass out into space. Too much CO2 in the atmosphere would trap the heat in the atmosphere, causing climate change.

How can CO2 removal help the envirement?

Too much CO2 makes the Earth warm up. On Venus the atmosphere is 93% CO2 and the temperature is 400-500 degrees.

Why does CO2 destroy the atmosphere?

It doesn't really "destroy the atmosphere", Carbon Dioxide traps solar radiation, if there is too much solar radiation being trapped, then the earth becomes much hotter, hence global warming.

How much CO2 is put in the atmosphere each year?


What is the correlation of CO2 and temperature?

CO2 is a greenhouse gas. The more CO2 in the atmosphere, the more greenhouse effect we will get. The greenhouse effect is when our atmosphere reflects heat trying to leave Earth back to it. We need some of this heat back, but if we get too much of the greenhouse effect, global temperatures will keep rising higher and higher.

What happens when too much CO2 enters the ocean?

They say that too much carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is the key factor that will make the oceans more acidic and imperil key parts of the marine food chain.

Can you eliminate carbon dioxide from the atmosphere?

When there is enough vegetation and a balanced amount of CO2 being put in the atmosphere, there will be a perfect balance. CO2 is necessary in our atmosphere but just like anything else, too much of anything is not good. Vegetation (plants) use CO2 for the process of Photosynthesis (the production os starches and sugars) and emit Oxygen as a by product. You just cannot eliminate CO2, just like Nitrogen, it is a gas that is essential to mankind's survival.

What fraction of the earths atmosphere is carbon mioxide?

Earth's atmosphere is about 0.035% CO2. Since the atmosphere is just a thin layer of gas surrounding the earth, CO2 is a much, much smaller fraction of the earth itself.

Is CO2 good or bad for us?

CO2 is not really if mixed with oxygen When you in a enclosed space when breath too much CO2 its harder for you to breath but thus Yes CO2 can be bad for you if you breath it in too much

Who's atmosphere is mostly CO2?

Both Mars and Venus have atmosphere made mostly of carbon dioxide. The atmosphere of Venus is much denser.

How much co2 increased in the atmosphere during the past 150 years?


What is the main regulator of CO2 in the atmosphere because CO2 desolves easily in it?

The ocean is the main regulator of CO2 in the atmosphere because CO2 dissolves easily in it.